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  1. Gronou

    F2P/Vet Picture Thread

    I got Jeweled Fishing Pole !
  2. Gronou

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    Gurnisson#21562 EU - Outland - Ally Add me to farm Fallhaven pigs I'm also looking for someone with sub account to help me for Moonglade robe (The Mechanar) and to fly me to Wintergrasp. Thank you!
  3. Gronou

    Love is in the Air Necklace.

    Complaining that it's not fair and equitable seems strange to me on a twink forum. Twinks are based on equipment differences with regular players. If you want fair equipment between all players then you have to focus on the end-game content. It's strange to complain when we all openly take...
  4. Gronou


    Is this screenshot valid for this topic? As a guardian druid having only 1k damage difference with a survival hunter is an achievement xD!
  5. Gronou

    Love is in the Air Necklace.

    I'm in love with this +33 versa necklace :d
  6. Gronou

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Here is my participation: F2P guardian druid
  7. Gronou

    20 Twink Solo Death Knight Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

    Awesome job! Very impressive! Sorry for my "nooby" question but what is the add-on that allows you to have all these details in your characteristics (global cooldown, etc...) or this is already a in-game option? Thanks!
  8. Gronou

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Hello, I have seen players with shoulder enchantments (calligraphy). Are these enchantments still active when you forget the calligraphy? Thank you!