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  1. Olympic

    ** OFFICIAL ** 29 2v2 Tournament September 24th,2022 6PM EST

    Hello we are going to go ahead and give it the go for the tournament ladies and gents! Read below as it may look a bit familiar as we decided collectively that the post/tournament layout was actually really good. The tournament teams are created via registration on the Challonge website. The...
  2. Olympic


    WE WILL MISS U DADDY (not dead just quit apparently)
  3. Olympic

    Olympic, the level 70 Night Elf Rogue.

    Hey, I am Olympic, some of you may know me as "trash" or "washed up", yeah thats me :D <3 Follow me @ trash lvl 70 rogue gameplay and sometimes 2.2k+ lvl 120 arena and dont forget to leave a follow.. noobs :Troll:
  4. Olympic

    70 Twinks
