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  1. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Does anyone know what keybind spells mean? People keep telling me to in bgs help me out will be much appreciative ♡
  2. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    It's about the plays a single person can do, not about what they queue and since most allies don't even know what an efc or fc is my point still stands Y'all acting like its hard to beat premades when most just farm mid lol
  3. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Aye I win every game vs them but they still better than almost every single ally lmao
  4. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Everyone on that list is trash apart from spam/thai/doodle Rest are backpeddling mid farming plebs So don't expect much when the bis list is made by a backpeddler himself :3xoxo love you gui's
  5. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    You're all trash smh