Search results

  1. Solo TBC dungeons possible?

    Inspired by dragynslayer's Classic dungeonmaster, I thought it might be possible to solo TBC dungeons as a level 20 NE Druid in an effort to get those sweet Epic gem slotted boss drops. Needless to say, after numerous attempts, I could not get past the first boss of The Blood Furnace. I've...
  2. US Active Servers/Guilds

    I'm wondering what servers are active for twinking? Alliance? Horde? Which faction is more active? Lastly, any recommended guilds or communities? Thanks!!
  3. Is it still worth making a 110 or 111 twink?

    Since 8.1.5, is it still worth making a 110 twink? How about a 111? I'm interested in BGs and also open world pvp. Can 110s participate in open world? 111s? I'm guessing both of them would be in the xpon queue. Can you lock a character at 110 by not purchasing BFA? Can you still twink without...