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  1. Fay5

    Just sharing some mail I recieved this morning from Blizzard Customer Support

    You know exactly what you were doing, you know exactly why you were reported. Just stop, or take an account vacation, it's completely up to you.
  2. Fay5

    World of Warcraft Classic Beta Added to CDN
  3. Fay5

    Recent actions on XPOFF

    This site always reminds me of The Lord of the Flies. TI needs firm, committed, and rational leadership if its going to survive, and a lot less of just about everything from the obnoxious little boys, you know who you are. If you cant stand up and say what you're typing in a crowd full of...
  4. Fay5

    EU+US @29s that exploit their way into xpon qs

    You guys are funny. lol Thank you Light and Chops for the great comments, I totally agree.
  5. Fay5

    seeing twinks in xp-on queues post patch.

    Im really disappointed on how sinister these posts are and how you seem to take joy in ruining other players experiences. Who are you? You seem like a small minded ugly little man. Youre not doing Twinks any favors being such a @#$% especially now when the spotlight is on the Twink...