Search results

  1. Fungalfury

    How to: Debuff in xp on bgs

    You will need: 2 accounts or a friend (the xpoff account does not need to be subbed) -wow1 will have a toon with exp locked -wow2 will have your level 19-69 geared twink for bgs Steps: 1.) Bing both of your toons to a dungeon entrance, but don't go in yet. 2.) With...
  2. Fungalfury

    50s Picture thread

    Share some artsy shots of your experience in the bracket! Scoreboards welcome! First full heroic N'zoth clear! I think it was sometime in December last year A talented horde priest in her natural habitat.. BG shenanigan's I can finally play the game. A botched "50s picture...
  3. Fungalfury

    WoW 17th Anniversary world bosses

    Hi, I just wanted to make a list of the world bosses and their location for easy reference. Still no idea what the ilvl for 50s will be. ( ilvl 85 :( ) Pick up and head over to tanaris, caverns of time. Pick up...
  4. Fungalfury

    WoTLK(classic) and introduction of Behsten/Slahtz

    Was wondering if anyone else can confirm the experience eliminators were added in WoTLK.
  5. Fungalfury

    LFM Mythic Ny'alotha (Alliance/US)

    Is there any interest in farming the 130s/140s from (M) Nya? If so, what day would work best for everyone?
  6. Fungalfury

    Idiots guide to gearing your BfA locked 50

    This is just a guide for people that decided NOT to purchase shadowlands mostly for beginners or people that have twinked in other brackets and want to give the 50 bracket a go. I'll try to cover the basics for gearing for random battlegrounds/arenas which DO pop every 5 min. at most. Things...
  7. Fungalfury

    Honor currency

    Seems like its getting reset, they'll probably convert it to gold or something underwhelming. I bought a bunch of Trinkets and scrapped them for expulsom. Anyways might be worth it to use it up now before it gets converted.
  8. Fungalfury


    Assuming that level 50 players are going to be in a 50-59 BG bracket come SL. Assuming you have full socketed M N'ya Gear (ilvl 130-140). A fresh level 50 with SL active will have access to gear that's 10-20 ilvls higher by looking at the guide, and I wouldn't put it past blizz. to make (not...
  9. Fungalfury

    Scuffed PROJECT 30 US alliance Cross-realm

    started a community for 30's on alliance Looking to try some heroic raids and dungeons with broken gear/items.
  10. Fungalfury

    Engineering Relics

    Was messing around with relic of the past, looks like it has potential. I'm level 25 (previously 60) still need to get my cata. engineering up, but it looks like I can learn all the way up to 75 where it was previously level locked. any thoughts? will this work? ( I know the panda cog wheels...
  11. Fungalfury

    BFA only accounts?

    will this be a thing?
  12. Fungalfury

    Trolling BFA BGs

    With my prot. pally sorry if i spit on you.