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  1. Cataclysm quest item change

    m8, i opened a discussion in general twink disc. but no-one see it. in this section there is some movements so i link it here. please check it up. Thank u m8
  2. Cataclysm quest item change

    hi all folks^^ i have a simple question: with my twink i finished a quest in sunken temple and i chose one from two rare reward. these rew will change aalllllloooot in cata, and the item i chosed will be useless but the other, will be great! the question is: will i be able to...
  3. Call to 39's

    hi all, i'm boston from hakkar (Holy Pala Ally) i'm transfering now in silvermoon EU, may i have some suggestion to choice the right guild for bg's&arenas? thank you very much! bye
  4. i am alone

    Hi Ehrui, thank you for the tips, the armory you saw was probably the stamina set Boston Hakkar-EU WoW Armory Light this is the healer mode^^ id like to ask you wich realm i should go. do you agree with silvermoon/ally? thank you, bye bye
  5. i am alone

    Dho! I was looking for a gear/enchanting guide for my holy pala 39 but all that i found was pretty out of date. So i used wowhead to find my best in slot. Do you know an updated guide?
  6. i am alone

    Ho hidden :) yesterday i looted 3 great pieces (the head from sunken temple, jamal kill quest) at 39 lv is amazing! Bracers from uldaman, back and mp5 mail chest from rfd. My Holy pala now has 4k mana in bg and 105 mp5 I have to decide the right enchant for head and legs: i thought to use...
  7. i am alone

    LoL Im talking about enchants and not gear! You cant spend 100k g in 80 end game gear need less gold lol All the gear i need is taken by my main grouped in raid with my twink, so i dont buy items But crazyness is endless :) i know
  8. i am alone

    Hi mate! I thought to join the cyclone btlgrp but the real problem is this: I am a fanatic of every type of enchants, with my main i spent more than 1k gold To enchant my twink. If i transfer the little pala, i cant enchat no more his gear! Probably the best thing to do is this...
  9. i am alone

    hi all twinky friends :) I am an old wow player and i am enjoying pimping up my twink, holy pala: boston from hakkar eu I turned the xp off but now im totally alone Please,tell me if there is someone here from hakkar eu plz! id like to join a bg/arena team! Sorry my english but im from...