Search results

  1. Psycher

    WTB Pendulum of Doom on Thunderfury (H)

    I am poor so can only offer 900g, perhaps willing to go up a tiny bit... I will be very active and I'm only playing classic to twink so it will be in good hands that you will see almost every day ;) (I'm also looking for a 7/7 bear cape, 12/12 leather bear hat (only got a shitty 11/12 :mad:)...
  2. Psycher

    Quickblade or Aurora secondaries on arc mages

    Right now I’m running a mix of both because I haven’t gotten all the crate variations yet but I’m wondering what people think is better. I’ve seen good players with both. Also is adaptable better than both? Can you get a +5 verse MH and OH?