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  1. US Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap!

    I sold this one for $75 Via paypal. :)
  2. US Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap!

    Since I can't find a buyer I can lower it down to 3k+ :)
  3. US Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap!

    5-9k I guess if you xfer to me, no other xferring involved
  4. US Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap!

    I have several offers to do the above. And also, if you read the bottom you could just xfer to me and buy the sword.
  5. US Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap!

    Shadowfang cheap! Very cheap! Heres the deal... I have the shadowfang on Alliance/Horde[can xfer over at will] Barthilas [Oceanic] I have my twink on Thunderhorn Vindi. Now. You xfer my twink over to Ruin. You xfer to Barthilas and you get the SF for a small price, or free...
  6. SP Warlock Help

    Without stam you will die in 3 seconds flat against any melee twink. So basically all twinks. Bronze band of force No thanks. Try Seal of wrynn Serpent Gloves No. Magefist Gloves Yes.
  7. Pilgrim's Bounty is Here!

    I got the turkinatorrrrr
  8. US Wts shadowfang!

    Wts shadowfang! Thunderhorn, Vindication. (Alliance) Whisper either: Pop [with the same 'o' as my name] or Nzah Also offer here.
  9. Achievement Whores and Grand Arena Master

    this. I find it amusing to camp people like you on my 80, and feel the rage flow.
  10. Level 1 Rogue Twink In Progress

    There are lvl1's with it atm?! (Explorer)
  11. Lvl 1 Rogue Twink...

    Hey, I just watched all of Boglund's videos and they are fucking AMAZING. I am either making a rogue or a mage, could someone tell me the BiS for those two? Also, how do you get the defias mask at lvl 1? -------------- I am hoping for explorer on my level 1.
  12. BiS for warrior twink?

    What're the BiS legs for a warrior twink? Unadorned Chain Leggings ?
  13. Eliøts First PvP Video.

    Good, nice choice of music and some good PvP. (Fix ghost pulse, its ugly :()
  14. Rat my mage twink [19]

    Talbar is 3 stam, 8 int, right? The BOA is 5stam, 5 int. :)
  15. Ruin Guilds

    Actually Vindi is alive and well if you know when and what time to get on.
  16. Rat my mage twink [19]

    Couldn't make the tabard so I just threw a warsong tabard on him, :( Edit: Can I xfer my mage to your guild?
  17. Rat my mage twink [19]

    Alright, sec.
  18. Rat my mage twink [19]

    Oh, wow model viewer Oh yeah, I just remembered what it was, now I feel like a noob.
  19. Rat my mage twink [19]

    Alright, well. I have a SP set, recently switched to CC. I'm not sure that the +4% speed is worth losing 70hp, since I'm only just pushing 1.1k HP unbuffed and 1.9k mana self buffed. Unsure what 'TBJ' is but guessing its a chest >< Yes, I need chuck +100hp onto my current chest...
  20. Rat my mage twink [19]

    So far I'm missing hat and trinket, grabbing hat NOW. Oh, and getting +22 int to weapon when my chanter comes on, just got Night Watch Shortsword :P P%C3%B8p