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  1. Currently Listening To...

    Mickey Avalon has got to be the only person on the planet able to turn Jane Fonda into a catchy song.
  2. US <ftp baddies> vs <suck at graveyard>

    if any of ya'll need an fc, i am your guy.
  3. Is anyone taking college algebra ATM?

    I would be glad to help you with algebra if you so desire. pm me.
  4. Thought police

    Isn't startpage just a proxy for google search results?
  5. Let's see if people enjoy the website in its current state

    I actually enjoy XPoff much more now than in its previous iterations.
  6. XPOff load times are painfully slow

    Thats a name I haven't seen in a bit. Fwiw, I am also experiencing issues.