Search results

  1. What is the most active bracket?!

    Hey title says it all?! what are the most active brackets - just made and have been working on a 60 to find there are NEVER ques. Whats the most active :) thanks
  2. Rate my glasscannon rogue

    nice =]]
  3. Level 10 Rogue World PvP

  4. WSG queing

    this bracket still active?
  5. Alive bracket?

    whats the most alive bracket?
  6. Assassin's Blade

    still worth a couple of k. gz
  7. Hai

    weclome xx
  8. lvl 29 Priest (EU-Stormscale) > Can i even improve any of this gear?

    Isn't it BoA chest better? what about gnomer ring. x
  9. Level 10 Rogue World PvP

    cool! nice channel
  10. Need 10 posts

    same! welcome to me