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  1. EU 80 Hunter gear

    Hunter's are literally the most OP in this bracket, and one shots no matter you crit or not. Hitting 20 kills is a stroll in the park.
  2. Help with gear

    think you have to be in combat, doesnt work on dummies
  3. Help with gear

    Does proc, it's a really nice dmg output, does a few thousand over time.
  4. Help with gear

    Definitely use the +31 cogwheels, but you need Cata engi in order to use!
  5. EU+US Please tell me this isn't a bug on PTR :o

    Your bags are giving me anxiety D:
  6. EU+US Post screenshots of your mogs!

    Here is mine, I worked very hard to get the full set. The hours required to match everyone was well worth in the end. What do you think?
  7. Gearing Druid Help

    EU or US? I can help you out in depth if you play on EU!
  8. EU LF boost trading

    What dungs/raids do you need boosting in?
  9. EU+US 80-89 Armory list 85 hunter, Alliance, EU
  10. BiS lvl 79 twink gear guide

    Great guide!
  11. Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook

    Bought of AH! Have been farming lots but have only gotten garbage blues.
  12. Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook

    Got and BiS versions on Silvermoon and Draenor EU
  13. 39 Class Tier List

    WW monk is tier 2, maybe even tier 1. Insane healing if you decide to use Chi Wave in a 1v1. The mobility is the best, just hike if you can't manage the fight. Insane dmg.
  14. EU+US Level 70 or 79?

    I've tried various characters at both 70 and 79, my conclusion is, that lvl 70s are the best in instances and duels. But 79s are overall better in bgs. Because of 79s high ilvl and lack of sockets.