Search results

  1. Gmac

    LTB Pendulum of Doom on Herod Horde

    Going to be trying to farm it ASAP, but if anyone gets, I'm in the market. Lets make it happen.
  2. Gmac

    EU+US When do you draw the line?

    So, I'm on my third kick at the cat for an epic discontinuer's hammer right now (which I realize is not a crazy number) and I'm already a little salty. This time I'm going to give farming a bunch of quests that give no item rewards a try prior to turning in the hammer quest, but I'm very...
  3. Gmac

    "This Game is Too Easy!"

    First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights. Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there...
  4. Gmac

    LF a few items on BH

    LF a Feathermoon Headress, Mistmantle Orb or Venomshroud Orb and a Maiden's Circle. Hmu.