Search results

  1. Honey Badger

    Calling all 29s to support

    Currently to make the bracket more competitive were asking community leaders in 29s to help and support Burgs idea of creating a Wargaming League. It would be 20 vets. So we're asking 29s to wait on details and be ready to create 20 vets for possibly a 20GG funding and Wargaming league. We're...
  2. Honey Badger

    US Calling all 29s to join.

    Currently to make the bracket more competitive were asking community leaders in 29s to help and support Burgs idea of creating a Wargaming League. It would be 20 vets. So we're asking 29s to wait on details and be ready to create 20 vets for possibly a 20GG funding and Wargaming league. We're...
  3. Honey Badger

    EU+US Vet tier listing?

    Tier listing for Vet classes? I was curious also it may help new people making a Vet. God tier: ? First tier: ? 2nd tier: ? 3rd tier: ?
  4. Honey Badger

    20-29 Gear Scaling Index

    Pretty much 29s have needed this for a while. I was doing spread sheet but i figure. I could slap this on really fast. Thanks goes out to Hashbrown for his pre-existing list. Everyone needs to start submitting what gear 21-29 scales to Please stick with Blue rares first only for right now and...
  5. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger's - teaching Wind of change

    This post is to our community, for our community. I want you to list 3 changes you'd like to see change in your community or more of in the community. Lastly change only happens thru accountability. Please list if you be interested in participating in future events and if you would like to...
  6. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger's Icebreakers

    We need to work a bit better as a community in the 20-29 section, so a few icebreakers to get to know your teammates or the person in the opposite faction side better. Any 20-29 welcome to join in discussion. 1) Your Favorite Class to play ? 2) The first class you ever rolled on WoW ? 3)...
  7. Honey Badger

    Wargame lvl 21 Spriest builds and theorycrafting

    Premades on Saturdays are looking at lvl 21 Spriest. Just in case some people are wondering the idea behind this. Some people felt it should be aloud to let more viable classes in to mix things up, also we felt the abilities at 21 wouldn't make Spriest very Op. Abilties gained at lvl 21: 1)...
  8. Honey Badger

    Best Days to set up Wargames (Both factions)

    This is a thread to see what are best days to run F2p/ Vet restriction Wargames Horde vs Ally. People who are looking to set up Wargames, polls like this are helpful to show us what days are best for higher attendance. Once we can figure out the best 3 days for people will be 2 hour window...
  9. Honey Badger

    The Conqueror's / The Justicar's lvl 20 list

    I recently got the title on my 29 but currently working on it on my lvl 20. So i wanted to give back to anyone who has received it on their lvl 20's only. I decided to make a separate thread from the 29. To avoid any drama. This is a positive thread to praise people for their hard work. Back in...
  10. Honey Badger

    21-29 The Conqueror's / The Justicar's List

    I just hit Conqueror's Title on my 29.ßadgër/advanced Was wondering how many other 20-29s have received this title, I've seen a few others. Wanted to give recognition to theses who have played long enough on 1 toon , since this is not...
  11. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger's Game Reviews & Ratings

    Thanks to Pooh, This is another thread to increase F2p activity in the forum no hate or salt just fun. Some people rate on jalapeños, tomatoes or thumps. This section will be based by Tickles and I don't care or even I don't give a $H¥% if you don't care about that Game, Streamer or Podcast...
  12. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger's Movie Reviews & Ratings

    This is another thread to increase F2p activity in the forum no hate or salt just fun. Some people rate on jalapeños, tomatoes or thumps. This section will be based by Tickles and I don't care or even I don't give a $H¥% if you don't care about that movie. Please use symbol of you don't give a...
  13. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger's Haikus

    Late at night figure we could use a fun thread. Something between Ques. A Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. Some Examples...
  14. Honey Badger

    Twink cup thoughts/idea and Myrm legendary status?

    From my understanding you have huge cash prizes for the twink cup and majority of people want consistent WSG lvl 19 pops all year long. So instead of blowing your load once a year, why not just have Myrm be the treasurer and divide the funds quarterly. So you have an event 4 times a year...
  15. Honey Badger

    HoneyBadger PSA - 20 p2p & 29 p2p

    Results are Hp Out of a Bg : 20 Druid - 2242 Hp 29 Druid - 3744 Hp Hp in a Bg - 20 - 3912 Hp 29 - 3912 Hp Bearform doesn't matter since both same Hp - 4680 STAM IS THE SAME for both LOL. So no reason to be 20 unless you want to play with restrictions. Due to bag space i...
  16. Honey Badger

    AV Sunday

    First AV just ended , Keep queuing up AV only. Great Job 20-29 Bracket wide. Made for EU & US since i know both are trying to do this. US - AV is a 8 min que , right now 2nd game just started. 10 mins later
  17. Honey Badger

    AV Sundays?

    We been putting a few weeks of AV on sundays after fishing tourney and its going great. Are we looking to do this permanently and help clean up que times. Im looking to help get faster Que times, so i don't have to rely on blizzard to do it for me. If we can clean up we may be able to shoot for...
  18. Honey Badger

    20-29 Favorite Bg? 6.0.2

    So far what's your favorite New Bg this patch?
  19. Honey Badger

    20-29 - To lay all rumors to rest

    Gnomer changes? Charged rings grandfathered? emissary cuffs grandfathered? Bfd quest items grandfathered ? ^ these are most common questions people ask me. Basically this this thread was made if u have a WOD question , ask it and maybe someone can provide answer and screen shots to answer...
  20. Honey Badger

    Skirmishes only for lvl 20 & up

    Skirmishes are for lvl 20 & up only. Your thoughts? Discuss