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  1. Copyhat

    EU The 19's Directory (Armory, Guilds) MM hunter, ally aszune
  2. Copyhat

    EU Looking good for EU 19

    Superb News, pumped up for the future!
  3. Copyhat

    EU+US Best Ret Race?

    lild cool hitsory session. @OP i Still favor holy, i don't feel like i do enough in ret specc, but every man for himself. It was really fun to play ret @19 with blade of justice, a tad op even. I don't think Gift of naru is worth it on ret, still a heal tho everything may help. I would go...
  4. Copyhat

    EU+US Best Ret Race?

    okey, have you tried to play holy with elemental force? if the enemy don't have trinket and let themselves go down to 50-60% it's pretty much always an kill with hoj. if they survive the hoj, portable bronze mortals seal the kill, gets you time for another crusader strike and HS. yes rets have...
  5. Copyhat

    EU+US Best Ret Race?

    I would roll Holy, better in all ways
  6. Copyhat

    EU Hey, I like what i see

    how do i remove posts...
  7. Copyhat

    EU No

    I always flag him, whenever i see him. annoying guy
  8. Copyhat

    EU The 19's Directory (Armory, Guilds)

    Copyhat - Aszune Hpally
  9. Copyhat

    EU Less is More - Ravencrest Ally

    Hey, Still funding? would love to get in on the action!
  10. Copyhat

    Ret Pally

    I only play ally, RIP
  11. Copyhat

    Ret Pally

    sounds interesting. Haven't tried ret in quite a while, may be woth a shot agian
  12. Copyhat

    EU+US what do you think of the Frag Belt?

    hate the fucking belt
  13. Copyhat

    Purj's Beta Changes Compendium

    have anyone tried to do dungeon runs @19 on the beta to see if they drop wicked ilvls aswell?
  14. Copyhat


    Paladin EU ally i'm up for runs, just opened a few on the beta and got ilvl 25 -45 gear, wth
  15. Copyhat

    EU How to get decent games

    I have mostly ally toons
  16. Copyhat

    EU How to get decent games

    i'm up for ally games^^
  17. Copyhat

    EU How to get decent games

  18. Copyhat

    EU+US Do you miss Lifeblood?

    I miss it, was fun when professions gave something (y)
  19. Copyhat

    wub wub wub

    is 6.0 patch cool?
  20. Copyhat

    21:00 LF Competetive games.

    I'm up, will try to que anyhow!