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  1. Where is everyone?

    Here I am
  2. Rogue Hemo vs Backstab

    What weapons should I get then, if the damage loss when shadow dancing as too high?
  3. Rogue Hemo vs Backstab

    Thanks guys I'll be speccing hemo!
  4. Rogue Hemo vs Backstab

    Which works better in 70 arena either spamming hemo or backstab? Thanks.
  5. warlocks at 70

    Destro locks are good in arena due to the bursty damage and high amount of CC. Here is my lock: Aff @ Darkspear - Game Guide - World of Warcraft He's not BiS but it works for me. Good luck!
  6. 70 Destruction Warlock.

    Yeah I played terribly today, dropped about 100 rating from 2.15 to 2.05 :( Basically got outplayed by you blackmagic, and almost killed kipale a couple of times, but he locked me down and just globaled my priest out of nowhere:(
  7. 70 Destruction Warlock.

    How can it be an l2p issue if I can't peel and he dies within the garrote/kidney..
  8. 70 Destruction Warlock.

    Yeah it would be at least 80% if my priest didn't get one shot by a rogue every other game.
  9. 70 Destruction Warlock.

    Thanks :) Beat him yesterday ;)
  10. 70 Destruction Warlock.

    Hi I'm relatively new to 70 destro warlocks and I'm looking for some advice with gemming etc. for my 2s comp (Disc/Destro) If anyone has experience playing this setup to 2.2k+ and has any advice with the comp such as strats against certain comps etc. it would be greatly appreciated. At the...