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  1. Fake rvrstar

    The fake rvrstar from train cow is a fake!... Smh...
  2. I Miss You Guys! (Nohomo)

    What's up ladies and gentleman, I have been thinking of playing World of Warcraft again (Twinks). It's been awhile, but I have this uncontrollable urge to play. I don't know what to do. So if you stumble apon this thread please answer a few questions in the comments! :) How is Mist of...
  3. Just love it

    Just love life.... #Nuff said :) haha
  4. Peace to all my friends Messed up in the middle, just skip it... the part where i delete my 85 druid, but you can armory it if you don't believe i deleted her.
  5. I Quit

    It's come to my best interest to quit. Is it possible to sell an account if it's on my battle net with my other games? If not I will be deleteing all my characters and giving away all my gold and items to any one on Bleeding Hollow.
  6. World of Warcraft-19 Paladin-Journey Series 2-Mozzy

    Hey guys here is another video! :) hope you enjoy! This is strictly for entertainment and to bring more spirit in 19 bracket! So no hate mail :P. Don't be shy to tell me what you want to see for next video, just leave a comment or something :). LIKE and Sub please, it encourages me to make more...
  7. Events US servers?

    Hey, are there any US events that will be happening? I see EU are going to have an arena event, but I realize there are currently no US That I know about. If there isn't any, then maybe we (US twinking community ) should start thinking of some :)..would bring more spirit and fun activitys, such...
  8. World of Warcraft-19 Paladin-Journey Series-Mozzy

    Sup guys, just wanted to make another video...It's just a quick video I decided to make, so I hope you like it :). Leave positive feedback please :P, Like and Sub. Ill be making more vids in the future! If you don't like it, then no need to leave rude comments ha. Your friendly Twinker...
  9. 19 Premades (Elune)&(Cenarius) Beat by Pugs-Mozzy

    Hey this is Mozzy, Not trying to bag on people. Just frapsed a few games, going against Premades. And apparently won with pugs. Im clearly not the BEST player in the world, but I do think im pretty desent, so if you don't mind, and please leave the Hate comments out. Like and Sub! :) Peace out...