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  1. Level 10 Mage

    oh i know got kind of off topic....was basically saying that the only reason to have a lvl 10 would be for the dodge twink pre especially as a mage i just see you getting insta gibbed....but hey if you can have fun doing it go for it imo
  2. Level 10 Mage

    actually when dodge was "op" (i guess?) a lvl 10 with just agi and dodge on his gear with some stam thrown in could take down a 19....go search dodge twink on youtube. Only thing that screwed up dodge twinks was the fact that you can't dodge magic >.<. but those were the good old days...
  3. Level 10 Mage

    nah lvl 10 twinks were honestly only viable as dodge twinks....hence why i didn't see the pt in having a useless twink around after the dodge nerf you can stack some stam on a lvl 10 don't get me wrong but it's nothing compared to what you can get to with a lvl 19 @1500-2k and you hit for...
  4. Level 10 Mage

    mehmy hunter used to be a dodge twink back in the good old days when you could get 100%+ dodge at lvl 10 b/c of the way agi scaled. Now though you'd just be cannon fodder with pretty much any twink under lvl cap for that bracket...believe me....i tried for a bit...made me sad lvling my...
  5. Hunter - Pure survival or mixed with MM? check out my build you can always move the pt in aimed shot around if you want to but honestly i find it to be more burst (at least single target which is what matters) plus you and your ms war can have ms up on...