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  1. 70s random talks but also 60s

    Go enhance, ele sucks.
  2. Bis elemental shaman PvP?

    sky plz carry me
  3. 70 shaman spec?

    Resto is definitely up there! Can cancel out a lot of stuff from prots, grounding can save you from the initial burst, and the double healing totems can save you from any %. I'll match a Hpally anyday!
  4. 70 shaman spec?

    Elemental is one of the best classes out. Resto is definitely up there with other heals, second to discs in my opinion.
  5. Does this bracket pop?

    Yes. Arena is highly active, 2s and 3s dunno about 5s. Bgs pop regularly at peak times. They can pop later on too. Plenty of 70 guilds out there too.
  6. 70 Twink Movies

    The guys Warlock video, in fact all the videos make the classes look good. But you barely see any Warlocks, so it's good to see
  7. 2.2k with double Shaman!

    We ran ele/resto! Healing rain is insane, but alot of the time you don't have the chance to put it down while in combat, to big a risk of getting countered. Double shaman was wicked, required a fair amount of coordination though! Enhance is rubbish, which is a real shame. Your miss chance is...
  8. 2.2k with double Shaman!

    Hey guys, i've never made any threads before... But just got 2.2k with double shaman and we're so stoked about it, surprisingly this comp was really effective, especially against rogue/disc. Double tremor ruins the cc from priests. Also with double flame/earth ele, rogues and use of shocks they...
  9. 70-74 whats best?

    Forget Pallies.
  10. 70-74 whats best?

    Enhancement Shamans, no doubt bro.
  11. 70 Twink Movies

    Makes Warlocks look soooo good
  12. Potential nerfs incoming?

    Unless you're a prot xD
  13. Potential nerfs incoming?

    Sounds good though!
  14. Potential nerfs incoming?

    This will probably be pretty far ahead?
  15. with all the 70's settling in

    Ele/Resto. 2150 atm. Tearing mages and prots a new one.
  16. with all the 70's settling in

    Do you think it's possible to get 2.2k with double shaman?
  17. 70 only arena confirmed

  18. enhance shaman

    Yo man, I play an enhance Sham and sure like Anders said we don't have any kind of nuke. But we can defs shut out healers. 2H is also fun for shits and gigs because you can try get those epic WF crits!