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  1. minimexx1

    Come down to DETHEROC

    Hi all, it has been awhile since I have been on here. For any of you Aerie Peak old time players, I played on a Rogue Minimexx, and a Hunter Arrowinyoass. I left that server to try to obtain an Arena Grand Master, because it was nearly impossible back when Aerie Peak was huge with twinks. After...
  2. minimexx1


    Last night I tried to update to 5.0.4 but when i woke up I clicked play and it said insert game disc one, I have no game disc one so i hit cancel, and it is restarting the update. What did I do wrong?
  3. minimexx1

    Eminem's Signature Shop - F2P Friend's only ;)

    Hey man I know you have a lot of requests but when you get to me I would love one of your sigs, there awesome! here is what i would like. *Text: Abord Subtext: Nothing Burns Like The Cold *Color Scheme: Dark Blue, Light Blue, Fire Red *Class: Mage *Race: Human ^Font: Nose Grind Nosegrind Font |...
  4. minimexx1

    Come and join me on Detheroc!

    I don't like horde, never had haha.
  5. minimexx1

    Come and join me on Detheroc!

    Hey everyone, my best friend on my server Detheroc recently left and I am getting very lonely. If anyone wants to come to detheroc that would be awesome! Detheroc is a chill, laid-back, low pop server that I play on. I have 7 toons on it and want some people to hang with, pvp with, dungeon with...
  6. minimexx1

    What are your favorite classes?

    I have always wondered what peoples top 3 favorite classes to play were. You can also list the specs in order that you like them. Mine are: Mage (frost, arcane, then fire) Rogue (sub) Pally (ret, prot, then holy) WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS!! :)
  7. minimexx1

    "The Explorer"

    I recently was looking at titles and I noticed "the explorer" title. I have never seen anyone with this title, I bet some people have it, but i have never seen a p2p or f2p with it. It seems that a f2p could do it but perhaps the reason no one does it is because it would take ages. Maybe we...
  8. minimexx1

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Why? I always remember people on AP saying the honor ones are better. But then i see everyone wearing both. So confusing.
  9. minimexx1

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    What shoulders are best for rogues? The Honor shoulders or the Justice shoulder?
  10. minimexx1

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Thanks, this will help quite a bit, he is not a dwarf but i will keep on trying. And he is one of the best rogues, maybe the best I've ever dueled on any of my 6 toons. Mariya @ Dethroc.
  11. minimexx1

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Does anybody who plays Enhancment shamans know how to take down a rogue? I keep dueling a great rogue on my Enhance shammy and he beats me with about 1000 health each time!!! I need to know because we duel all the time.
  12. minimexx1

    QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    Hey. I was wondering what most Destro warlocks used for burst? As in what spells in what order. Thanks.
  13. minimexx1

    2 Month WoW card with F2P?

    Nope, I wish.
  14. minimexx1

    2 Month WoW card with F2P?

    Thanks so much. Phew I'm glad I didn't.
  15. minimexx1

    2 Month WoW card with F2P?

    I was planing on getting a 2 month membership card to mail some looms and mess around a bit, for shits and giggles. I was wondering if I mail looms from one of my 20s to another will they not be considered ftp anymore and after the 2 months I won't be able to play them again? Or as long as I...
  16. minimexx1

    Getting Magicians Mantle

    Sorry Im blind in one eye. Didn't see the thread ;D
  17. minimexx1

    P2P'ers say the darndest things!

    I was in Goldshire and an 85 said follow me for fun, like 30 minutes later i was in Booty Bay and like WTF am i doing!
  18. minimexx1

    Getting Magicians Mantle

    I am currently working on a max stam pally and I need mags mantle, most people say chest farm. I was wondering where to chest farm and how often to check for chests. And if anyone has gotten mags mantle a different way then chest farming, also let me know. I know getting mags mantle takes time...
  19. minimexx1

    Black leather mog pants?

    Does anyone know of a green or blue black leather pant i could get for transmog?
  20. minimexx1

    Know Your F2P Twink
