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  1. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    I have mw gear so can play it if neccissary. Also im online, how do I get invited?
  2. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    sorry my bad, I meant to say I can play as a brewmaster fc if needed
  3. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    Hey I underestimated how lazy I was. Can I instead play my ww monk - can also play guardian if ally is in need of a fc.ón/simple
  4. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    Ahh sweet, sorry my eyes read it as you can't. Well I'll get levelling and gearing and I'd love to play a ret paladin for alliance Edit - Here's the armory link
  5. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    Sorry, I don't quite get what you mean by that. Can you elaborate?
  6. 7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!

    Can I register as a ret paladin on the alliance side - Cannot supply you an armory as it doesn't exist just yet but I should be able to gear it out rapid af, I have all the looms etc. Side note, whats the most populated alliance realm?
  7. Season 1 is about to start on The Era!

    Level Capped - Instant 70 PvP You can register on the website :)
  8. STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    I suppose it's because they destroyed the 19 bracket through their attitudes, I was hoping they'd at least be graceful in accepting a loss.
  9. STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    How do you honestly see that you tied them? You wouldn't play more than 3 games, possibly due to boredom. I hate to be a broken record but I am going to go back to the CL, you have two games if through W/L its a tie then you go to goal aggregate. Now try put this strange new 'aggregate' word...
  10. STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    I can read you stating poor excuses. If real madrid were to play poor against athletico in the CL final do you think that you'd see Ronaldo stating how the win doesn't count because his team where off their game? Just accept the loss, yeah maybe under your eyes you played bad but you were still...
  11. STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    At the end of the day though if GSC did play bad in the 2nd game, through your words ofc, you only beat them by 1 cap in the final minute due to an error on their behalf. It still stands though 2 caps to 1, admit it GSC where the better team on the day. It works for sport and it works for...
  12. Hello 19s of EU. Shame you came back.
  13. Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    So if you're not failing at rapping.. Have you just learnt about poetry in year 2, dammit you guys are advancing fast nowadays. Congratulations.
  14. Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    1. You cannot rap, your 'flow' is terrible. 2. 'Do you even this bracket?' I don't think anyone 'this' bracket mate. 3. Scrubs - JD Nobody cares, Sean - YouTube
  15. No more calling myself best paladin 19

    Stop being an attention whore, it is obvious you're only stating it so you can get so called 'respect' but the only people who are currently stating their respect for you are those who already had respect for you. Stop trying to grovel for new respect.
  16. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    makes me lol so much and actually feel hope for the 19 bracket when everyone just ignores that random 29 dude.
  17. Coming Back!

    If you're referring to QITBB for saint, he no longer plays 19 twinks also passing down leadership to LD
  18. Meet the twinks: Khaos!

    Khaos' answers made me like him more, and to me he is definitely the twink that I respect the most in the current twinkinfo 15-19 forums.
  19. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    Well not entirely, as long as you have the flag you can then result into a D/O situation, with maybe 3 on D and 7 on O, it is more just an initial strat to get past the mid strat, this forces the other team to come out of their comfort zone if they want to stick in the zerg and come and fight in...
  20. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    Ahh you completely missed the point, basically the focus of this mid strat was to have 1/2 on defense maybe better possibly a stealth player like a rogue, the rest of the 8/9 go as a massive group the flag with the flag carrier, obviously they will be attacked at mid, but instead of aiming to...