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  1. Doop

    AB Win ratio

    I lose plenty as horde, especially since all the 24's on AP alliance
  2. Doop

    More balance to the bracket

    Talk about gravedigging
  3. Doop

    Lvl24 Max Health Attemptive

    Attemptive isn't a word, but good luck getting 7k. Also if any 24's want to play with me please whisper me, I do WSG every day.
  4. Doop

    5.2 BG changes look cool! My f2p buddies will be even more awesome now!

    I hope it makes you 24 cocksuckers obsolete. With all due respect (none is due). I'm mad. You win the moron of the year award. You've payed to win for long enough, guy. This is (hopefully) leveling the playing field so you can't stroke yourself at how much you own people who are at a huge...
  5. Doop

    Every F2P should spend some time playing LoL (WoW Related)

    Um... both are just fucking games. Play them because you enjoy them and don't take yourself too seriously lmao. Seems to be the biggest issue this forum has.
  6. Doop

    Questions & Answers

    How is feral vs balance at level 20? Which does more damage? Thanks
  7. Doop

    How Can I Get Legitimate HK's?

    I have an idea where I could get a warlock to summon me (a horde character) directly to Goldshire or something so the discovery wouldnt level me You think that might work?
  8. Doop

    How Can I Get Legitimate HK's?

    Fuck alright, thanks for the heads up. Do world HK's give you experience?
  9. Doop

    How Can I Get Legitimate HK's?

    I'm thinking of making a F2P level 1 twink. I want some actual HK's against real players. Any ideas on how to do that? Thanks Edit: Also, do you get honor for world HK's?
  10. Doop

    Questions & Answers

    If you are paying for WoW and cancel your subscription, does your account downgrade to a trial account or can you not play on it until you pay again? I was thinking of putting on some good gear on a 20 and canceling my sub, which I guess is a longshot. Anyone know how it works?
  11. Doop

    <Fifty> clears Molten Core, Ragnaros is DEAD!

    amazing job, feels very naise BIG TEXT GOOD JOB
  12. Doop

    US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Awesome work tonight, it was stressful but that's how it goes when you clear an entire raid in one night. We've come a long way
  13. Doop

    US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Amazing raid tonight best I've ever been in
  14. Doop

    Warscrub Gulch - XP on WSG post-5.1

    Warscrub Gulch is working great, kicks you as soon as someone on your team takes the flag into your flag room
  15. Doop

    85 Holy(Shock) Vs Ret

    Holy is pretty insane, you can do decent damage as well
  16. Doop

    84 Warlock or 84 Mage

    You're a child. Trying to tell people how to play the game and getting upset when people tell you to shut up. People play how they want to. Deal with it. Not all of us are self righteous and bother with "honor" in a video game. And since you're so defensive and can't stay away from the thread, I...
  17. Doop

    84 Warlock or 84 Mage

    You all are being [bundles of twigs or a type of meatball]. He can play the way he wants. You trying to step in and tell him he can't play how he wants is pathetic. OP I have an 84 mage (but with terrible gear and I rarely play him), and he's pretty awesome. Personally though I would prefer a...
  18. Doop

    US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Sorry for not raiding with you guys last night, I have a shitty memory and forgot again. I'll be there for every raid from now on. Especially MC
  19. Doop

    US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Nice raid tonight, hope we get into MC very soon