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  1. Enno

    Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook

    BG Crates: Rings can have 9 secondaries.
  2. Enno

    US Best 39 Rogue Poll!

    who r u?
  3. Enno


    This is correct: has value even at 49s though since it will proc, even with the lower scaled top-end.
  4. Enno

    My view on Us players

  5. Enno

    39 Warrior 6v1

    Shots fired, shots fired. CAN WE GET A DAMN HEALER OVER HERE?
  6. Enno

    US Guilds recruiting new 39’s???

    I'll look into getting the post updated, there are several horde guilds actively recruiting and a few active guilds/cliques on Alliance that could use more bodies.
  7. Enno

    The 39 Class Tier List

    I think this is reversed, in pick up play it's really hard for classes with minimal defensives or niche playstyles to really shine. In competitive wargame play this can be mitigated through coordination and peels/heals. Arena list is definitely the smallest meta.
  8. Enno

    US Best 39 Rogue Poll!

    Weenies > all. Not even close. Then maybe Jancith/Farnk due to all the bitching I hear from healers.
  9. Enno

    US First US 39 To Hit 2k Rated Arena!

    Yeah, it tracks all skirmishes. Still a nutty amount to have even pop though.
  10. Enno

    US Coming back to 39s

    Can confirm, am on Stormrage.
  11. Enno

    What realm

    Curious are you US 39 by chance? I know the community is super active, moreso on Horde-side. Discord as a whole is usually 5-30 deep depending on the night, and surprisingly that's majority one faction. I think with a certain meta, whether that's competitive 3s or RBGs, there's room for...
  12. Enno

    What realm

    I'd argue they still have their merit. Guilds provide a tighter knit sense of community. While you may be benevolent and help out our community as a whole, you still have more familiar players that you can queue with or engage with in chat. This is amplified even more in my opinion when it...
  13. Enno

    What realm

    Popular servers may include: Stormrage, Emerald Dream, Kel'thuzad, and Sargeras. Mostly high pop servers for Alliance, no server mecca.
  14. Enno

    Official Tourney News! (yes, THAT tourney)

    Ding. Ding. Ding. Dear lord, even Blizzard requires you to use tournament rulesets (ie. what we're doing by standardizing gear availability); curbing the barrier to entry means you have to use -gasp- skill and bracket knowledge.
  15. Enno

    Official Tourney News! (yes, THAT tourney)

    Yes, you can have comp variety, but christ I don't think you should be able to play whatever comp you have at will. You should be forced to lock in 4 players (3+1 sub if wanted), but total class/chars should not exceed 6 or something. This let's you run 2 completely separate comps, rotate healer...
  16. Enno

    THE guide to farming BiS BoE greens

    Eggcellent write up again. I think the LFR trick is leaps better for blocked out periods. For just a few runs here or there, the LFG works wonders, just start some bs custom group then 'leave your party' and it'll countdown.
  17. Enno

    Hot The 39 BfA BiS Gear Handbook is 8/12/4cri/7vers I can see it being a useful option/choice. Did you find it scaled?
  18. Enno

    US Arena Night

    I've never felt like LFG or LFM has done anything to grab attention in chat. Making these arena nights more open to experimenting and testing will allow a variety of people to come in, see who they like, want to play with etc. Who would want to come Saturday night if they were alone and didn't...
  19. Enno

    US Arena Night

    I think the real question is: how many are rolling a healer, and are they willing to play with other people. I see the same 3-5 healers (who also main their dps) playing with the same 3-5 people. With these arena nights let's actually gauge how many will be fielding teams or you're just gonna...
  20. Enno

    US Tournament News!!!!

    Sounds like a bad matchup too. But that is very interesting to hear.