Search results

  1. Verum

    EU+US armory lists

    Just let me know if there is any more characters you want me to add ^^
  2. Verum

    EU+US armory lists

    Hehe, I'll add that:p Hmu if you want anything else to be added
  3. Verum

    EU The 19's Directory

    Join XPOFF Discord Here Statistics and Armory website for 19 twinks. XPOFF Community EU Horde: Link EU Alliance: Link Level 19 EU Armory Links: UPDATED FOR BFA! *If anyone interested in taking over the thread please contact an Admin. Created: 2017-03-13 Updated: 2018-08-21...
  4. Verum

    EU+US Armor Skills at level 19? Source?

    I would like to know more about the ilvl cap. How does it really work? People say that if you do have over a certain ilvl (depends on what your level is) you don't gain any of your stats increased. Lets say you are level 19, then the ilvl cap is on 39(?). I have 44 ilvl on my rogue, will I have...
  5. Verum

    Just noticed we're almost at 30k members and 1m messages. Members: 29,958 Messages: 973,851

    Just noticed we're almost at 30k members and 1m messages. Members: 29,958 Messages: 973,851
  6. Verum

    EU+US Your Favorite Characters

    Tried to find Jhough's armory. Gnome MW active in mop, really nice guy and a good player aswell. Send me his armory if you know where he is.
  7. Verum


  8. Verum

    EU+US wow nudes:

    post or nudest twink below: 19, Enhancement Shaman
  9. Verum

    US ray of frost

    Am I the only one playing fire ?Cus I don't want to be called a pus*y b*tch.ërum/simple
  10. Verum

    EU+US Are we in need of this?

    Well, I have begun working on something big, video or text, you'll see;) Eventually..
  11. Verum

    EU 19's Battletag List

    - Verum#21933 - Alliance - Azsune - Rogue, Mage, Shaman, Monk
  12. Verum

    EU The 19's Directory

    Need any help?
  13. Verum

    EU+US Are we in need of this?

    I won't be using cam, sorry;)
  14. Verum

    EU+US Are we in need of this?

    I think you got this on wrong foot, this won't be a cool BG video with cool "plays". This will be an informational video for players that are new to either the game or the bracket. And yes, I am not saying that I'm good at playing, that is why I said I could need some help from you guys.
  15. Verum

    EU+US Are we in need of this?

    So, been thinking for a long while about doing some kind of "tutorial" videos for people that is interested in getting into twinking. Helping them "get going" and get their Twinks up and running so to speak. If so, I will try to make one video every each week. Each video will contain as much...
  16. Verum

    EU Lt.Drake Group Kill - Escape From Durnholde - 25.02

    I have a f2p shaman on horde. Restoration, anything that could help I'm down. Might want to send me a message or add my btag if you aren't already full. Verum#21933 Cheers
  17. Verum

    EU+US Your best looking Twink (20-29)

    Tru tinker<3
  18. Verum

    Dude. Dude. Dude.

    I think it's something more, like "dudettes", dudette.
  19. Verum

    Doing Character Graphics for Free

    sup, if ur interested in Making some cool images for me? Could need some for my stream. I'll give you a wow token:rolleyes: