The night from saturday to sunday it started popping like crazy. Prob got 6 pops within two hours that evening. It kept popping continuously during the whole sunday too. I’m not sure if we got (fast) pops cus there were so many queueing, or if blizzard actually fixed their shit. We’ll see today...
19's Guild List
Better Luck Next Time
Server: Draenor
Recruiting: Yes
War Gaming: Yes
Contact: Lopió
Activity: ★★★★★
Same Score Different Day
Server: Aggramar
Recruiting: Yes
War Gaming: No
Contact: Squìdgy
Activity: ★★★★
a mixture of gear from dungeons, quests, satchels, heirlooms, boe, invasion, bgs, engineering will be more fun rather then a whole set of invasion/satchel gear/bg gear
So people you haven't spoken too you isn't allowed to speak with you? Sums up what kind of person you probably are pretty good.
And you're talking about people doing insults and "hiding" who they are. My Facebook is accessible via my stream. Meanwhile you PM me five times without me even...
A usually progressive condition (such as Alzheimer's disease) marked by the development of multiple cognitive deficits (such as memory impairment, aphasia, and the inability to plan and initiate complex behavior) such as regocnizing/remembering people… dementia is...