Search results

  1. Sicknature

    EU gloomshroud for sale EU hellfire

    got a gloomshroud on hellfire eu, want to sell ASAP because sub runs out on 2/3/16 msg me here or ingame entername#2423
  2. Sicknature

    EU+US Been away for a long time... Bag guide?

    droprate went from 5% to 0,3% or smth
  3. Sicknature

    EU+US Players you respect.

    Trickynick for being best damn mage in the bracket. Dhenurd for a being good friend. Yek for being awesome and playing underpowered prot.
  4. Sicknature

    EU+US [LEGION] Class Spell Changes

  5. Sicknature

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    Okily dokilyîcknature/advanced mostly bias mage, missing old crafty for fc set and one enchant for fire set :^)
  6. Sicknature

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    There's already multiple vet armory pages. ßurg's is alot more detailed too so no need for more right xd
  7. Sicknature

    Help me out with the most demanded tink items

    Not really, SFK got a buff in WoD making it possible for SF to drop. Gloom was gfd before that and only started dropping after that. Other dungeons wont render you that lucky :p
  8. Sicknature

    EU+US I like eggs

    Omellete with bacon and cheese and little bit of ketchup
  9. Sicknature

    EU Horde, join me for 2s and 3s

    It was a joke, lighten (or light one) the fuck up man xd
  10. Sicknature

    EU Horde, join me for 2s and 3s

    Pop more molly and you wont need friends
  11. Sicknature

    EU+US Classcannon Arcane Mage?

    yee ^^
  12. Sicknature

    EU+US Classcannon Arcane Mage?

    Mages cant wear maces you genius xd
  13. Sicknature

    EU+US Classcannon Arcane Mage?îcknature/simple there you go
  14. Sicknature

    XPOff & TI Merge

    Some threads are "hidden"
  15. Sicknature

    Hi Blizzard <3 you.

  16. Sicknature

    RIP Apnea

    Best of luck man :^(
  17. Sicknature

    F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

    Looks like it might need a fix first ^^
  18. Sicknature

    Wondering About Current State of F2P

    What do you think is wrong with gw2 then ;o? Think new xpac is amazing with the exceptions to a little bit of class imbalance on the dragonhunter and the revenant. But im able to beat almost anything in 1v1 with my engineer wich isnt considered op so i can only assume the other classes can too ^^