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  1. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands (1h axe version) (2h staff version)
  2. Jonnes

    Possible new weapon?

    Like DeLindsay said already, it's not "new", and already catalogued. The high Ilvl also presents the issue of not allowing any enchants that aren't shadowlands level, meaning you're stuck with the very piss poor lightless force. Given how powerful EF and crusader and lifestealing are compared to...
  3. Jonnes

    Tony's Law Patched....?

    I haven't tested any tony stuff since we messed around with your BoA gun, no
  4. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    Credit to @ShinyHero Two more shadowlands grey weapons have been added to the guide
  5. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    New consumable, added it to the guide Adds 1 leech at the cost of 1 stamina for 2 minutes. Not great, but it's something.
  6. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    Your post is hard to understand, but yes, you have to be level 10 to open it, but much higher to unlock it as a rogue. I use the bfa inscription unlockers on my level 10 to cut down mailing
  7. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    This spot is covered already in the guide for farming legion BOEs. That guide is also already linked in this thread's guide.
  8. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    At the very least it still seems to be required to be applied by a level 50 or higher. Excited to see what happens.
  9. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    Awesome! If you can, try putting them on a low level random weapon (non loom) first, but don't finish the cast, just to see if you get an error message of some kind saying it's too low level.
  10. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands According to a wowhead comment, the shadowlands weapon enchants are functional at low levels. Since our best weapons are BoE atm, anyone wanna bite the bullet and buy 2 of these and test them on a rogue? They're 16k on my server that...
  11. Jonnes

    “Experience points can no longer be disabled in current expansion content”

    Lmao at how they threw the word minor in there for no reason. Really shows how they view roadblocks for the twink community as unimportant.
  12. Jonnes

    Level one twink weapon?

    It's in the guide, you should probably read pinned posts before you make new threads.
  13. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Level 1 Twinking in Shadowlands

    Added the three new grey ilvl50 weapons from the other thread to the guide.
  14. Jonnes

    New level 1 weapons?

    If it can be successfully transferred unscaled to anyone you invite to the guild to withdraw it, that could go for a pretty penny beyond the price of a wow token for sure.
  15. Jonnes

    New level 1 weapons?

    That's one of the wod rare mob drops right? I think people were saying that those who had them equipped had them scaled but I could be remembering wrong. You might not be missing out on anything.
  16. Jonnes

    New level 1 weapons?

    Found another one 1h mace. Filtered it by main hand, one hand, two hand, and ranged for ilvl 50 greys with no req and this was the only other thing to show up.
  17. Jonnes

    New level 1 weapons?

    When I was farming my legion greens, lots of grey weapons dropped with 1 damage ilvl, I think that's the default for what you posted up top. As for that second one, yeah, that's pretty thicc. It seems to also have a one handed version
  18. Jonnes

    Random undocumented shadowlands changes/additions thread (For level 1s)

    Figured I should make a thread, so that people can catalogue any random changes or additions that affect level ones in the new expansion - things that don't so much belong in a guide as they are small or not directly important to your character. One that I noticed is that we can now fly...