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  1. Firemaniac

    39 2v2 Tournament August 6, 2022. 9 PM EST. 8 Mill Gold Prize Pool

    Saw this now, can you still sign up?
  2. Firemaniac

    Back to the 80s!

    This still active?
  3. Firemaniac

    EU+US Do you miss the glory days?

    Yeah come join, rapidly growing community and just as baelo said. I can help out aswell with levling.
  4. Firemaniac

    Cata tinkers are once again discoverable.

    Go play tauri-wow if you wana 70 twink lol
  5. Firemaniac

    EU Tauriwow 5.4.8 warriors of darkness x15

    how is 60, 70 and 85 population?
  6. Firemaniac

    EU+US Gearing guide 85 in progress (feedback)

    Thank you all for the comments and il make sure to update and with help of some friends finnish it in around 1-2 weeks where i look at everything available and pick the most important items. Thanks i Actully thought the Hyjal rep rings were bugged? last time i used them they just showed as...
  7. Firemaniac

    EU+US Gearing guide 85 in progress (feedback)

    Hey, so i started making a guide today like 3 hours ago and wanted to have some feedback on it. If anything is hard 2 understand or w/e you feel for, comment it. And if people seem to like it il finnish it, thanks. And i only included items which me and my friends feel is the best. Also its not...
  8. Firemaniac

    EU 5 manning raids

    yes we will probably stream it, but we will inform when we have a setup and a group!
  9. Firemaniac

    EU 5 manning raids

    So sad you are US, see you got some good 85s there! Yeah we are planing on starting FL, then BoT cause no one likes dsoul haha
  10. Firemaniac

    Friendly reminder

    Got for rogue first run hahahha
  11. Firemaniac

    EU 5 manning raids

    Yeah wotlk is a big no, shit hits for more then bfa Bosses lol
  12. Firemaniac

    EU 5 manning raids

    Yeah its possible, like baelo Said the testing we did showed it was possible
  13. Firemaniac

    EU 5 manning raids

    And if you start level on stormscale we can help with gems/enchants and all crafting BoEs
  14. Firemaniac

    we will soon know if blizz allows xp off lvl19 in the xp on bg

    How you glitch into the bgs???
  15. Firemaniac

    Eu twink realm?

    Aha yeah gameplay sucks true, ive seen around 5-6 unique 19s on golemag horde eu, there i Will have mine aswell when i decide to level
  16. Firemaniac

    Eu twink realm?

    Just go on the realm you got a main, btw why is evereyone so hyped about Classic twinking? I dont see why it would be super good since its verry low effort gearing. Atleast rogue, got assa blade for 20 gold and Lynx for 2 gold, even sentry cloak and the Waits was cheap. I really dont see why...
  17. Firemaniac

    Lvl 80 PvE Twink

    Stormscale EU, i can help you gear, got maxed JC, enchanting and all other proffs you may need. + a few friends who wargame and plan on clearing the raids since we found out its possible in both 80 and 85. Just pm me
  18. Firemaniac

    BG Deso Lock

    Whitmends set bonus is not active and the int bonus from spellfire alone dosent make it worth getting. Go 85 or 87 both are easy to gear. 85 is only loot from dungeons/dsoul and a crafted bracers (easy 2 farm) and 87 are eng googles. Basicly really easy to gear
  19. Firemaniac

    EU+US 110 or 111?

    Thanks for the help all. Going 111 havoc DH, really happy for all the replies