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  1. penicillin

    F2P A miniguide for F2P to get the Sea Turtle

    Thanks for the incentive. Just caught it too after about 1200 casts. I used the spot SPQR pointed out.
  2. penicillin

    EU+US [LEGION] Class Spell Changes

    My priests are looking forward to getting their mental vocal cords back! Now, I still seem to have misplaced my dispell.
  3. penicillin

    XPOff logo

    I like it! It feels a little nostalgic to me , must be the hat . The green glow is an excellent choice I think!
  4. penicillin

    Favorite Part of

    Looks promising!
  5. penicillin

    2 Sf - 1 SfK

  6. penicillin

    AB tie

    You're right, thanks memory. I guess one pointless thread every few months won't do to much harm.
  7. penicillin

    AB tie

    Can't remember being in a tie.
  8. penicillin

    Dhenurd PVP Video: Bye Bye

    ok. gl
  9. penicillin

    HoneyBadger's Haikus

    Stuff stuffs stuffed stuffing Stuff stuffed stuffing stuffing stuff Stuff stuffs stuffing stuffed
  10. penicillin

    Disc priest ( crit build ) RATE

    If by waste you mean breakpoints then you have no waste. There are no breakpoints (anymore) you will get partial ticks on dots and hots and for casting time it just stacks linear.
  11. penicillin

    Disc priest ( crit build ) RATE

    Seeing as you're going haste you could consider using the haste inscription for shoulders (changing chest and cloak can give you more haste too but at a higher cost). Also, you can swap weapons and stack (multiple) procs.
  12. penicillin


    Discipline priest. Reason: good at both dps and healing.
  13. penicillin

    GF'd Vet

    No I would never level. I made this mistake once on a 10 hunter and still regret it. Old chars I thought I'd never be able to play again became playable with changes in the game many times over the years. Once you level it's virtually impossible to go back.
  14. penicillin

    Shadowmeld --> Stealth?

    Thank you all for your informative answers.
  15. penicillin

    Shadowmeld --> Stealth?

    On nelf druid I noticed Shadowmeld into Stealth (in battle) no longer works. I assume the same goes for nelf rogues now, would someone mind confirming if this is true?
  16. penicillin

    F2P PvP Music #2 great animation
  17. penicillin

    I Don't Understand..

    Would you not understand a person using a wheelchair? Some people need things to enjoy life the same as a non-impared. Be glad if you don't.
  18. penicillin

    Fotm arms warrior

    Re: Fotm arms faggot Now I don't know where to point players in need of a therapist in the heat of battle.
  19. penicillin

    Regrets Thread