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  1. fred

    read and weep

  2. fred

    Hi! Mage(19) Need Help!

    Just wondering, are you going to make a glass cannon mage or a support/FC mage?
  3. fred

    Live PvP Video

    I lol'd when you yelled at the guy for taking the boots. =P
  4. fred

    which profs to choose?

    At level 39, engineering junk is much more effective than profession buffs at the level, healing or hp or crit isn't as competitive as say being invisible or netting someone or death rays.
  5. fred

    Warlock gear?

    Does crit help a lock? Or do dots not critically hit?
  6. fred

    Twink Servers?

    Blizzard already said that they don't support twinking, they would never make a server that practically houses them.
  7. fred

    19 twink rogue guide.

    A while ago, I think it used to be on a cooldown of three minutes, now that its 1.75 its much better.
  8. fred

    enjoy your +spirit sets whiel they last

    So will the mp5 enchant on the simple black dress be useless for 19 twinks now?
  9. fred

    Hunters. (In Process)

    Horde might want to grab a Meadow Ring of the monkey/falcon/eagle instead of Seal of Sylvanas for the AP.
  10. fred

    19 twink rogue guide.

    I would say that gnome are a rather good choice, an instant dispel for snare on a 1.75 minute cooldown comes in handy a lot. =D
  11. fred

    Price check on Adventurer's Pith Helm

    Thanks for the info. =)
  12. fred

    Ret Boots?

    I see a lot of warriors and paladins using Ironheel Boots.
  13. fred

    Price check on Adventurer's Pith Helm

    Picked this up off Revelosh and I have no idea of it's worth.