Search results

  1. fred

    EU+US hunter armory

    any 59s hunter armory available ? any of you know a god 59s hunter, if yes can you link the armory ^^
  2. fred

    US 1# US 40s

    yes 49s is really fun/entertaining and everything, by that i mean all class/spec are viable if you know your class/role, of course some are way too OP but it happen on each expansion anyway.. i best after the sulthraze sword the ramm trinklet will soon be nerfed and people should get used to...
  3. fred

    US 1# US 40s

    shit on multiple bracket ? you are just a hater with no reason i just did reply to some kid with ego and if you got hurt my bad man, just no need to reply on this thread when i just simply try to recruit, MM hunter is not fotm this patch, who is your horde i will stop to /respect emote you when...
  4. fred

    US 49's bis gear sponsorship 2400+

    49s is so fun that 49s is really fun m8 ! i used to be on the 29s battleground all the time too but when i did try 49s it was love at first sight !^^
  5. fred

    US 1# US 40s

    you got me there !^^ hello daoying ! feel free to come back on alliance if you are that tired of losing^^ and nice screenshot ! one day i will use salt potions/ram/net and stealth to you and one hit you while being queued with 3 fury and a pocket healer then i will act like i am good xDD! but...
  6. fred

    US 1# US 40s

    sup you probably know me has pechemignon also playing ALLIANCE, i play MM hunter, i dont use ram like daoying xDD! and i dont spit emote on people like Sprite, i am looking for players that log everyday or close to and are able to play during the day(sometime im also able to play the night) i am...
  7. fred

    US 49's bis gear sponsorship 2400+

    holy hell man.. nice book ! ^^ ima read it when they translate it in french:D
  8. fred

    Battle For Azeroth: Rammsteins, Fury Warrior stacks, and Bad Manners... OH My !

    what sucks is someone who is a supposed 40s-49s coordinator that spit on other twinks in bg aka @dbsprite really nice from you, really mature hope you feel better and it boosted your ego^^ cant wait to defeat you without /spit emoting you:D
  9. fred

    Battle For Azeroth: Rammsteins, Fury Warrior stacks, and Bad Manners... OH My !

    they both solo queue all the time xDD! and props to you for solo queueing ! Next step for you is not using ram all the time xDD!
  10. fred

    US 49's bis gear sponsorship 2400+

    you rarely die with 2 pocket healer when im alone yessir that is normal, what is not normal is your level of toxicity, i think you are good at being toxic and really average when it comes to fight on a bg:D:D but hey only way you win is playing the most broken class on every expansion xDD!
  11. fred

    40-49 arena ladder?

    hell yeah ! we need to be introduced to the arena ladders like why 49s is not already on it ?! we are a normal twinking bracket just like 29s or 39s o.O
  12. fred

    US Xfer for item

    okay ! i will be able to xfer this week, i just need to add you and know what you want for it^^ no worry i have look wowhead, the dungeon guide and the jewelcrafting profession to know what ring is the best for me already so i got this precious thing since day 1 of battle of azeroth^^
  13. fred

    49 or 59

    who is assmongol ?
  14. fred

    US Xfer for item

    sure what realm ? how many goldcap you want ? xDD woohaa pretty cool site didnt know it ! thanks i will use it for sure and set up the notification and hope it work well ! ^^
  15. fred

    US Xfer for item

    hello dimefox ! my hunter is péchémìgnon ! we played a lot of bg togheter back in 2016 2017 when iLevel item was BiS....
  16. fred

    US Xfer for item

    all in title... if anyone see on their auction house a ring that gives 13 agility+ or 12 agility with some versability OR scaled to 47s - 49s scaled to 40s - 49s also...
  17. fred

    49 Twink MW (Dps)

    \cheers my man !
  18. fred

    Join: Ally 49 Twink's

    Hell Oo ! my name is pechemignon and i approve this message <3
  19. fred

    US Horde 49 Twink Community

    today i seen more horde twinks then ally.. or im just being unlucky D:
  20. fred

    US Hell

    Heyya ^^ im back for real if you see Péchémìgnon dont be shy and drop /hello or friend request. i will be more then happy to add you and do bg ! have a nice day ! fred#11935