Search results

  1. Project 19, 20, 25, 30?

    I play with them!! It's pretty dang fun!
  2. How good is the spellfire set for 29s

    won't suck in DF --- Greens will be trash come DF

    BE SURE TO DO BREWFEST ON YOUR TWINKS! Can be farmed. Have fun N GL.
  4. 29's in DF - Won't exist?

    been told 29's wont be a thing?
  5. Cata Gems for BoE gear?

    +2/+2 mast works :)
  6. Question regarding the Shattered Sun Offensive Necklaces.

    doesn't scryer send a bolt out as its proc? does it proc and if so, how much dmg does it do? i've been curious to know as it might be better for bursty classes.
  7. farming level 28/37 green boes

    is level 35 the best level to be for farming and where do yall usually farm? dungeons or what?
  8. What spec works (or may work) at 29 (that simply didn't work at 20)

    Yeah i played a BG with my mediocre 20's gear. i feel like if i had a full 37 gear with 2vers 2 mast gems and all vers mast armor with nice tanky trinket -- it'll be stupid.
  9. The War Within Level 21-29s Armory -- Ele/Resto
  10. What is the win ratio?

    I mean alliance has more healers, horde has more killers. at least in my experience
  11. What is the win ratio?

    as a horde hunter i have a 74% win rate mixed with being groups and solo -- majority solo Q
  12. Horde community -- ally sore loser

    cool bro good luck at bingo on friday. lmao the otherside does it too? Don't an idiot.
  13. Horde community -- ally sore loser

    Oh, i thought yall controlled the one thats posted on the forums -- makes sense as to why its a mess then.
  14. Horde community -- ally sore loser

    Just so y'all mods know. the horde community posted on here is no longer trustworthy because alliance mods are kicking horde players who beat them down badly lol SAD
  15. Wargame Interest?

    yessss lets fuckin go
  16. 20 Twinking is really bad.

    If you dont like Qing against twinks, just level up into 30's and BG. Twinking is no different than it was in classic, or any other expansion. Players will always find an edge to just steam roll kids. No one is forcing you to play against us, and no one is stopping you from doing it as well...
  17. War Games or Arena Tourneys?

    gotcha thanks!
  18. War Games or Arena Tourneys?

    Does this community do war games or arena tourneys? I'd love to participate. I have a priest (thcbottle) and hunter (qun)
  19. Alchemy

    okay i've got the alch flask. thanks. appreciate it!