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  1. Valencia

    Possible world first? Feedback and info please!

    You need to talk more, dat voice. And to my knowledge, I'm not aware of anyone else having done these bosses in particular. Well done never the less.
  2. Valencia

    Onlydreams, Why!

    Is Argent Dawn the EU version of US Moon Guard? Do you guys have a Pronshire too? :p
  3. Valencia

    All them lvling their twinks to 71-74

    It's always disappointing to see aged 70 twinks level, just to be on par with how the arena compositions are currently; or to be cheap ( Whatever is floating their boat ) I always suggest to those wanting to go above 70 to make an alt, nothing worse than leveling a character you've spent years...
  4. Valencia

    enchant for rogues/enh shamans + most melee classes infact

    I personally like dancing steel for the Strength pure stat, instead of just AP from berserking / landslide. Strength gives addition parry for Paladins, which is rather nice if you go Prot ( Grand Crusader doesn't proc off offensives anymore. )
  5. Valencia

    Do you get sick often?

    Had a cold, then a fever last week; don't usually get sick though. Figure it's just during season transitions my immune system goes kaput.
  6. Valencia

    Highest 2s raiting atm

    Enhance huh? Gotta give you a +1 for that, even if above 70. I remember Enhance back in Cataclysm.. -rude- :|
  7. Valencia

    Why did Razzers get banned ?? (from TI)

    I assure you, bans always have their reasons behind them. However making threads about banned users instead of asking them for yourselves, is making a big deal about it whilst being lazy. If there is any mistakes or misunderstandings, anyone can always PM a Moderator and Admin about it; That...
  8. Valencia

    Onlydreams 3 | 70 Hunter PvP video

    You monster, harming the monkey community. :| Nice vid
  9. Valencia

    5.4 - It's almost here....

    @ Melee classes using berserking. Landslide, conveniently doesn't have the armour decrease and gives the same amount of AP.
  10. Valencia

    5.4 - It's almost here....

    Would love people to post some feedback on here, perhaps how scaling is in BGs as of 5.4, and such. ( Been inactive due to IRL, so any information helps >.> )
  11. Valencia

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!

    RWBY Theme: This Will Be The Day Extended (Roosterteeth) v.2 - YouTube
  12. Valencia

    Favourite | Memorable Quotations Thread

    "Discretion is the better part of valour" "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
  13. Valencia

    Favourite | Memorable Quotations Thread

    I'm sure there are many others like me whom enjoy popular sayings or quotations of many sorts, be it past, future, present, mistakes, motivational, etc. I've had a love for collecting them, and sometimes making my own as time goes by. So, post your favourite quote here if you have one! ( This...
  14. Valencia

    So I've been banned from wow...

    Perma ban for buying gold? That's rather harsh~ was it a third warning or something? Sorry for the loss x_x
  15. Valencia

    Getting Into Twinking -- Trying Out 70 Bracket First!

    Sweet, US. First question is fairly straight forward, there are not as many guilds as there were back in Wrath and Cata though. This link will send you to the usual 70's thread in, most of the guilds are listed on the main post ( If thread caps or gets deleted, someone usually...
  16. Valencia

    Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King

    Avenged Sevenfold - M.I.A. (Missing In Action) with lyrics - YouTube <3
  17. Valencia

    Thank You, Yde.

    I've found Yde to be an excellent administrator in both personality / good mood, and the most fair in taking disciplinary action when needed ( Not implying the rest are unfair, though perhaps the word would be strict :p ). It is indeed disappointing to see such an exemplar of a staff member go...
  18. Valencia

    Clash of the Titans

    Thread will be locked till further notice until 19 mod/admin shows up. Apologies to those whom are using the thread appropriately / being on topic.
  19. Valencia

    70-79 70 Twink Paladin PvP Guide [MoP]

    I like speaking / typing with certainty, especially when it comes to giving out information people will use for their benefit. I'd rather wait till patch lands to make a thorough assessment of changes, and work from there. Check back on the guide, I'll post again once it's updated.
  20. Valencia

    Level 70 Rogue saying hello to all!

    Always nice to see another 70 joining us. Welcome~ Not very knowledgeable about Rogues myself, although doesn't Blackened glitch Subtlefuge still? Figured it's one of those things Blizzard would take ages to 'fix'.