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  1. SharkShark

    Brug. (incorrect spelling on purpose)

    I would like to kindly tell you to take this shit elsewhere, such as another thread. This is not a love Brug (Rugb, grub) post. This is the Brug is the worst person ever post.
  2. SharkShark

    Brug. (incorrect spelling on purpose)

    Don't be mad because this is about you Brug.
  3. SharkShark

    Brug. (incorrect spelling on purpose)

    I would like to thank you for position you have taken against this fellow twonk. Brug has officially made it to the insane.
  4. SharkShark

    Brug. (incorrect spelling on purpose)
  5. SharkShark

    US Level 20 10v10 - Dec. 4th

    This guy on Ret Pally- Sharkaftrdrk (AP-HORDE)
  6. SharkShark

    Brug. (incorrect spelling on purpose)

    I have officially removed this guy from my Thankful Twink list. You guys should reconsider being his friend too.
  7. SharkShark

    US Level 20 10v10 - Nov. 27th (Date Change)

    Klok wants to play Arms. Foe-BleedingHollow
  8. SharkShark

    US Twinks you are thankful for

    I'm thankful for all the little people that I have stepped on to get here. 1. Hog-wartz 2. Klok-doc 3. Zale-ular 4. Luda-tic 5. Sam-I am Brug was officially removed from the list. I dislike him heavily.
  9. SharkShark

    US Level 20 10v10 - Nov. 20th

    So over the past week I have made various twinkies. If you may I would like to be Destro-Lock. I have almost every class on horde so lemme know what is needed. Hopefully the Cowboys lose early that way I can have fun with you guys at some point.