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  1. tanezumi

    WoW TWW, a Mastery breakdown

    Damn, you work fast! Great work by the way. Did you gather the data yourself or did you reference any material?
  2. tanezumi

    WoW TWW, a Mastery breakdown

    Don't worry, I love you anyways
  3. tanezumi

    The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    It's truly great, but what I mean is something along the lines of a numbers breakdown, a la spellpower coefficients in Classic. I'm not super familiar with how primary, secondary and tertiary stats affect things, as well as how ilvl and scaling affect things as well. Like, I'm down to figure...
  4. tanezumi

    The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    Fella that's new to twinking here, this guide is a godsend! That being said, most of my game knowledge is based in Classic, so my knowledge of Retail stats and mechanics are a bit limited. Are there any resources out there that can act as an introduction to twinking? Like info about stats...
  5. tanezumi

    It's worse than just 20s... Once I resub, I may have to read up on some of the other brackets!

    It's worse than just 20s... Once I resub, I may have to read up on some of the other brackets!
  6. tanezumi

    Sub ran out and too broke for TWW, so decided to mess with a trial account. All of a sudden I'm...

    Sub ran out and too broke for TWW, so decided to mess with a trial account. All of a sudden I'm making an account on a twinking forum and oops looks like I like dumb math.