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  1. Brokeboi

    US Exactly what drives people away from 19s

    Weren't you the one who was saying you guys were good because gear doesnt matter anymore and everything is equal? Now you say twinking is all about getting the advantage? hypocrite:
  2. Brokeboi

    US Total twink n00b looking for advice.

    arcane mages are lit 1k+ crits on mine with full arcane charges
  3. Brokeboi

    US Legion 19s Transmog Thread

    What axe is that?
  4. Brokeboi

    EU+US So, mages...

    Fire and arcane are both good. I like arcane better.
  5. Brokeboi

    just finished a game where everyone was bumped to lvl 19. Is scaling back or was it a bug?

    just finished a game where everyone was bumped to lvl 19. Is scaling back or was it a bug?
  6. Brokeboi

    US Legion 19s Transmog Thread

    Might be gf'd ive had it since the old mog glitch when you could send mogged boas in the mail
  7. Brokeboi

    US Legion 19s Transmog Threadöi/simple Mine for now. Wish I could mog cloth. Is there a way?
  8. Brokeboi

    EU+US BiS Legion Gear - 19s

    what's the ilvl 32 belt?
  9. Brokeboi

    make 19s great again

    make 19s great again
  10. Brokeboi

    How Many Times Have You Completed Arena Grand Master?

    3 times as well. One on a rogue I never play though so I wish I had gotten it on a different character.
  11. Brokeboi

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    you go to the U of M?
  12. Brokeboi

    EU+US Thread Against Legion PVP Changes!

    Will they still have xp off bg's seperate from xp on if gear doesnt matter?
  13. Brokeboi

    EU+US Old tinker, hello and help!

    Just play whatever you think looks fun. GF"d gear doesn't matter too much but it does look cool.
  14. Brokeboi

    EU+US Dagger main hand on enhance shaman?

    What about talon of vultros? Saw one guy using that.
  15. Brokeboi

    EU+US Dagger main hand on enhance shaman?

    I've seen a couple shamans doing this, is it better than BoA mace mainhand?
  16. Brokeboi

    US 19s popping

    US 19s popping
  17. Brokeboi

    switching over to horde

    switching over to horde
  18. Brokeboi

    EU+US How to get gold cap+

    If you're dumb enough to sell your car for gold youre probably dumb enough to buy tokens
  19. Brokeboi

    EU+US Xpoff Jams
