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  1. Moloko333

    EU+US Battleground crate gear buff?

    I have gotten shoulders and chest that are ilevel 34 and other warforged gear that is 29
  2. Moloko333

    EU+US Why I made a 24

    Rusks means AIDS in Arabic
  3. Moloko333

    EU+US Invasion Helm better than Goggles

    I was working a 19 belf disc priest. Afking at invasions until I got a full set of warforged gear. I went into a bg with the highest ilevel gear i had including mist goggles, 2 rocks and the necklace. My total ilevel was 40. I took off the googles and replaced them with a regular, not...
  4. Moloko333

    EU+US Why I made a 24

    Wow. It makes me feel bad that someone would put value on such an "achievement".
  5. Moloko333

    EU+US Why I made a 24

    I made a 24 pally today for several reasons. I have two level 29 ret pallies. One has iLevel 45 and one has iLevel 49. The 45 has 159 attack power and the 49 has 160. Both have 5568 health. The level 24 has ilevel 39 but in the bg still has 159 attack power and 5544 health. And still get...
  6. Moloko333

    EU+US Why some Picking 39 over 29

    As for the gardening tools. I have yet to determine is a 29-39 level character can obtain a seed. It would require a 100 with WoD flying and herbalism. I can't find anything to says they can't.
  7. Moloko333

    EU+US Why some Picking 39 over 29

    I did some research and here my data based findings and ideas. 1. Queue times are roughly the same. I found over a week that 39 bracket queues on average are only 49 seconds longer than 29 queues. That is not from a super large data set, but seems valid. 2. Engineering not required...
  8. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    What is roughly? I don't have a 19, but i have a 20 warlock with 4700 health (iLevel 45) and a 29 with 6500 health (iLevel 48). I am going to log in and gather more data on 19s.
  9. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    Mislead? Did I say something false? No. The data is conclusive.
  10. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    "Ilvl is more for progression of a character than practicality..." What does that even mean? " 10-19 there is a huge difference because a lot of folks are missing many gear slots which is a significant advantage, that's why you often have more than 1,000HP than someone else." No...
  11. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    They edited the title of this post. They removed the word "fallacy". Wow. Did I hurt someones feelings?
  12. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    No. BiS gear had very significant effects on performance in the past.
  13. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    No, you didn't read what I wrote. "There is NO SIGNIFICANT difference in having so called BiS gear in low level bgs." Fallacy: a deceptive, misleading, or false notion It is a false notion to think that BiS gear has a significant effect on player stats in low level battlegrounds.
  14. Moloko333

    BiS gear in low level battlegrounds

    I crunch numbers for a living. I spent a good part of yesterday comparing the performance of twinks wearing different iLevel gear in battlegounds. There is NO SIGNIFICANT difference in having so called BiS gear in low level bgs. The overall differences in performance is literally measured in...
  15. Moloko333

    EU "av revival 20-29 legion"

    The random dungeons selectors is bugged, so I accidentally did an av. and we had just enough people to go and kill the mid boss even though most of the "team" started that stupid mid-fighting. It went well. For once.
  16. Moloko333

    EU+US Gear score comparison for level 10 disc priest

    I made a night elf level 10 disc priest and compared stats and spell damage by gear score GS crit haste vers damage by Penance health 15 61.71 49.92 47.14 972 2754 34 63.57 49.92 48.71...
  17. Moloko333

    My iLevel findings

    I took a level 29 blood elf disc priest and these are the stats for different ilevels iLevel 33 int 194 crit 13.07% health 5520 iLevel 45 int 194 crit 13.07% health 5592 ilevel 49 int 194 crit 13.25% health 5592 So the difference between GS 33 and GS 49...
  18. Moloko333

    EU "av revival 20-29 legion"

    I am sorry, but the two Avs I queued for turned into midtard disasters. So bad. And when both sides had fought all the way down to 115 to 105, us winning< the other team finally killed the midboss and we lost. NEVER AGAIN.
  19. Moloko333

    From 48 to 49

    I dug through all my old 29s scattered all over the place and found a few that still had the GFed BG trinket. I even had a priest with 225 engineering. So I slapped on the mist goggles, the rock, the neck, the lily etc. and without any ilevel 37 gear or the fishing trink i got my overall gear...