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  1. Ðoom


    But what if they don't? :eek:
  2. Ðoom

    Warforged Invasion Gear

  3. Ðoom

    Small guide - AFKing invasions overnight / infinitely

    @Nodoka Source?
  4. Ðoom

    EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

    Cloth Rogue > All
  5. Ðoom

    EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

    Seems like it's not that simple unfortunatly, seems to be quite random depending on if you got the item from a quest etc.
  6. Ðoom

    EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

    Does anyone have a definitive answer on what level of stuff a level 20-29 and mog?
  7. Ðoom

    EU "av revival 20-29 legion"

    Well since I completly ignored AV last sunday, i'll join this weekend. Looking forward to it garo.
  8. Ðoom

    US Rogue DPS Stats Spreadsheet

    Okay this might be completly wrong, but if you visit and you check for example, if you press the crit strike you can change the scaling in rating > %. Acording to wowhead then, 1 crit rating would be 0.18% in level 29. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Ðoom

    US Rogue DPS Stats Spreadsheet

    Okay, this thread hasn't been bumped in ages so I guess i'll do the honors of posting my spreadsheet, If anyone can beat me please post the spreadsheet and we'll get to the bottom of this.
  10. Ðoom

    EU+US Combat rogue BiS weapons ?

    So yeah, Shadow fang MH / Goblin Screwdriver OH.
  11. Ðoom

    EU+US The 20/29 Tiers imo

  12. Ðoom

    EU+US The 20/29 Tiers imo

  13. Ðoom

    EU+US Devm - Rap Battle God [Eminem 2.0]

  14. Ðoom

    EU+US I wanna stream... .-.

  15. Ðoom

    US Rogue DPS Stats Spreadsheet

    To my understanding you just write in your scaled stats and it'll calculate it, my math is way to bad to question anything recluse are stating.
  16. Ðoom

    EU+US Rate my Rogue :-)

    Gloves of the fang or Ashen Gloves.
  17. Ðoom

    US Rogue DPS Stats Spreadsheet

    Used it for my Glass, your set and also a pure crit set. Balanced. (Shadowleather on legs, not primal from LW) Glass Crit Gj Recluse! Agility is taken from a Undead so 18 in base.
  18. Ðoom

    US Original from 19 bought a pilot.

    This is so dumb.
  19. Ðoom

    EU+US Basic Rogue Guide.

    really? I always thought that double ToV was BiS for Assass for the muti? :eek:
  20. Ðoom

    EU WTB Ring of precision, Goblin screwdriver

    you can't trade cross-realm. There's one GS on Draenor for 640k that's the only one on AH atm. and a RoP on goldrin for 4.5k (there's a rop on Draenor also for 225k but that's retarded).