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  1. Satchels nerfed

    Sorry if it came out harsh, just not a big fan of the comparison.
  2. Satchels nerfed

    Because Stabilt hasnt been maining hunter since.... forever? Think he has 4-6 19 hunters as his only class lol If you are trying to argue Outland engineering has a level req and northrend doesnt for a reason let me hear that....
  3. Satchels nerfed

    I dont have any legion gear, just think this will be broken af lol And legion gear wasnt an exploit, this is however.
  4. News The 2018 Twink Cup Opening Games

    Seems like ripducks team be missing or ?
  5. Ready for Engineering on tuesday :^)?

    Thanks a lot for bringing my thread back:)
  6. "We wont delete your comment or thread" riiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhtttt

    "We wont delete your comment or thread" riiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhtttt
  7. Ready for Engineering on tuesday :^)?

    Where did the old thread go :(???? Gonna be fun <3 EDIT: @Roboartist Maybe you know where the old thread went?
  8. Lowest ilevel BoE epic

    Long time ago there used to be an exploit with also whats ya btag?
  9. US Satchel Farming Right Now - Horde

    which class and whats ya btag
  10. US Gnomer run

    gnomeregan <3
  11. US Legion 'Best of' list

    Chainz you get my vote
  12. Pendulum of Doom on Stormrage US

    friendly bump
  13. ey whats ya btag or disco? cant seem to pM u here

    ey whats ya btag or disco? cant seem to pM u here
  14. When can people PM eachother... how many stupid posts does it take?

    When can people PM eachother... how many stupid posts does it take?
  15. US 49s Armory List

    Cool thread xd
  16. Hi.
