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  1. Lith-

    Duo's 250hk Video

    I giggled - new sigy
  2. Lith-

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! Determination and dedication gets you the victory. Grats to Phront for getting Burgy's hat!!! 8/16/2013
  3. Lith-

    B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    Longs ques aren't what stop Ally from queuing 10. It's the fact that you'll get a sync ones every hour. As opposed to ones every 5 minutes on horde side. We had 2 5 mans rolling for the entire night. couldn't get synced. Either way. It was a fun night, and can expect <Sua Sponte> and...
  4. Lith-

    B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    <Sua Sponte> is queued. and will be for the remainder of the night. GL, and HF :D Edit: Game 1: Duo queues a 10 man on 5 man night. I'm surprised i didn't see this coming.. owait.
  5. Lith-

    The Race to 250ks :D

    0 honorable kills. 250k dishonorable kills. We all know the truth ;)
  6. Lith-

    P2P 20-24 List

    Alliance: Hunter: Fddw @ Lightbringer - Community - World of Warcraft Shaman: Lithòlogy @ Lightbringer - Community - World of Warcraft Horde: Lithology @ Anub'arak - Community - World of Warcraft
  7. Lith-

    B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    Lithology#1341 I'm pretty confident we'll be able to field 2 separate 5 mans for this coming Thursday. (Will not be trying to sync for a 10 man)
  8. Lith-

    The Race to 250ks :D

    Quarter of a Million HKs. Yet AFKs with 1 minute left. Was a good and respectable ass game until you lost your dignity.. :/
  9. Lith-

    B.Y.O.G - Thursday nights - Real Ids & SS

    Just wait till next week. Things should get interesting ;) @ Jinx One hell of a match. Way to catch me off guard. You guys had a really solid comp, hats off.
  10. Lith-

    P2p Night B.Y.O.G. Possible?

    Even though i wasn't running my 100% preferred premade, those games last night were intense. Hats off to your group Jinx. You guys really brought the fire I personally wasn't expecting. Was a hell of a game. Next week though expect that All Star squad I've been pushing towards :D
  11. Lith-

    20-29 Screenshot thread!

    Re: 20-24 Screenshot thread! Rank 1 Respect.
  12. Lith-

    P2p Night B.Y.O.G. Possible?

    I also think. If you queue with more than 2 healers in a 5 man you're playing it safe, and forfeit any chance the other team may have via exploiting poor game mechanics. (double spriest, and double hunter applies here as well) So try to keep things fair? *keyword being try. This isn't...