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  1. EU Attention Good level 19's

    Quality thread
  2. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Well you have never been part of those wargames right?... this shit is long gone. Being afraid of losing stopped being a factor since MOP. Ppl are just to lazy! And no, it doesnt help when a forum clown like you joins a thread and sets a random time and date :)
  3. EU+US 7.1 - Enchants work; explained in-depth

    Oh my, I really didnt think someone could take this post serious.
  4. EU+US 7.1 - Enchants work; explained in-depth

    No still only world pvp. Mvq just thought it would be worth a thread to drop the bomb that they still work there in 7.1
  5. US Make 19s Great Again M8

    Thats not how it works. First you try to get the point, then you can procced with asking questions. Follow the rules man
  6. US Make 19s Great Again M8

    Tell me when you get the point grasshopperino
  7. US Make 19s Great Again M8

    Just wait for it. He will now tell you that there are many many twinks out there of said brackets. They just dont visit xpoff.
  8. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Yeah russians make up for good fights. I usually see them having 50%+ twinks in every BG.
  9. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Well for EU ppl need to start being honest and realistic. The bracket was more dead than alive since cata. The majority of games were garbage. You could tell from the start who was gonna win in almost every game. The players had a higher skill lvl overall sure, but that doesnt mean games were...
  10. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Some still have faith
  11. EU So...

    Yeah gear isnt a factor
  12. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Am I missing something? Why are you all excited? This answer sounds like someone copy paste an answer from years ago when they added xp lock for the first time....
  13. EU+US Enhance Shaman, which talent are you using?

    I am testing it atm but I think I feel more comftable with hot hand. Easier to kill stuff and I kinda dont like to rely on a CD ability to get my instant heals.
  14. US no longer getting junk wf, anyone else?

    Yea fixing something that is obviously bugged is the same as changing droprates few days before the event ends. Oh hey lets lower droprates for wf gear to see how many ascoots gonna turn into massive crybabys
  15. Am I The First?

    Got one yesterday
  16. US no longer getting junk wf, anyone else?

    you open a thread because you had bad luck with rng but obviously I am the upset kid. Hihi
  17. US no longer getting junk wf, anyone else?

    worth a thread right
  18. Bugged invasion gear

    I really dont know why you guys still give a shit about what gms tell you.