Search results

  1. Lopió

    i was the 100k kill, give me a badge please, thank you!

    i was the 100k kill, give me a badge please, thank you!
  2. Lopió

    <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor EU

    Hi, yes.
  3. Lopió

    The state of the bracket and where we go from here... (EU Based)

    Dont act like i didnt invite you to these @Vet ;) <3
  4. Lopió

    <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor EU

    @Bestworld @kam <3
  5. Lopió

    <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor EU

    In a attempt to close the gap a bit, there has to be shit done. This is me trying to balance out the bracket as good as i can. Kinda tired of 3v15 in eots every day.
  6. Lopió

    <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor EU

    I am yummy 100% of the time
  7. Lopió

    <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor EU

    Better Luck Next Time (BLNT) is one of the oldest guilds on EU, a former 19 guild for many years which now have reformed for the 20 bracket. We welcome players to come and join us on Draenor EU. "Why do i wanna go horde, when i can sit in 45 minute que and stomp in enemy graveyard ;)" you might...
  8. Lopió

    People we miss the most playing with/against

    Noone mentioned, noone forgotten. Miss you all
  9. Lopió

    <Moose Gang> up & running again on Stormscale (H)

    Cool initiative lads, big recommend!
  10. Lopió

    20 disc priest question

    Castigation / Archangel 100%
  11. Lopió

    EU <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor (H)

    Happy 10th to everyone involved or been involved in the past! <3
  12. Lopió


  13. Lopió


  14. Lopió

    EU WTS Lvl 19 epic Pacifier and Boulder pads

    Isnt that an extreme overprice in a idle bracket? + pacifier is up for 125k on AH
  15. Lopió

    US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    Is this still happening?
  16. Lopió

    EU Where to play as horde?

    Horde - TarrenMill Alliance - Ravencrest
  17. Lopió

    EU <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor (H)

    You're welcomed as a trial aswell :)
  18. Lopió

    EU <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor (H)

    Sounds good to me, we can start out as a trial if you like. @Neason97
  19. Lopió

    EU <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor (H)

    Nice, can you link armory of it? @Neason97 Sadly the community is a bit frozen atm, and since BLNT went competative we have a requirement on both gear and skill :) But you're welcome for a trial :)
  20. Lopió

    EU Active Alliance Server?

    You're on Draenor alliance though. But it seems to be kinda inactive everywhere