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  1. Tzartwink

    Just made a level 70 and i was just wondering..

    Nope! Go straight to the vendor in shattrah and pick up the Zul Aman vendor gear. Head to to the isle and fill in gaps with gear from the vendor by the anvil. This gives you a good starter set while your farm your BiS pieces from other raids. Don’t forget engineering for helms, and hit up some...
  2. Tzartwink

    70 bfa

    I can’t speak 100% for fully up to date but I’ve been bouncing between a resillence/pvp power set and and just sunwell raid gear. I’m actually using the rep pvp blues you can get from lower city and shatae quarter masters socketed with pvp power gems. I’m finding for obvious reasons the pvp...
  3. Tzartwink

    BFA 70 vs 79 Twinking?

    Play what you enjoy most my friend:). If you have an interest in raiding, why not make a 70 for it? If not, do what you want to do. I know from my own personal experience at 70 I have not had any issues topping dmg charts or healing etc but I have not tried this bracket at 79. I have a few 80s...
  4. Tzartwink

    EU+US PVP Power

    As I mentioned earlier I would do a few BGS on my 60 prot paladin and post results. As can be seen, Prot can be highly competitive. If paired with proper support I have reason to believe it can really be a wrecking force, but I am having trouble find that level of co-operation at the moment. Now...
  5. Tzartwink

    EU+US PVP Power

    I’ll run some bgs tonight On my 60 while leveling profs and post a screen grab or 2 of what I’m seeing. My current set up is a strength/versatility set with lots of chance on hit procs
  6. Tzartwink

    EU+US PVP Power

    I’m curious as well as I want to really maximize gem sockets for resillence stacking. I play a prot paladin in this bracket and there very strong damage wise from what I’m seeing.
  7. Tzartwink

    70 Subtlety Rogue Guide [BfA]

    Thanks for posting this. When I found out about warmode I power leveled a rogue as fast as I could do to 70. Then I realized I did not know one single thing about this class, and I haven’t touched it since. This guide will help fix that
  8. Tzartwink

    EU+US 80 or 85? Or is the bracket too dead to care?

    Getting runs through firelands and dragon soul for trinkets and filling in odds and ends is pretty easy as well. Those raids are also short so gearing for 85 can be very quick I’m working on getting that staff now. What can I expect after I get all my fire embers?
  9. Tzartwink

    BFA 70 vs 79 Twinking?

    Potion of defiance. It’s great in battlegrounds. Lasts 20 seconds. This can help you stagger your cooldowns really well and gives you an extra oh crap button
  10. Tzartwink

    EU+US 80 or 85? Or is the bracket too dead to care?

    It’s been a quiet bracket for years. I came across one guild on a role playing server a couple years back but they took there gear restrictions too seriously. If you were caught even on random inspection wearing something above the content you were in, you were kicked. It was at its peak in...
  11. Tzartwink

    BFA 70 vs 79 Twinking? I’m in my resillence prot set atm. Combine with the 30% dmg reduction pot, paladin abilities, engineering bubble and you have quite the beast
  12. Tzartwink

    BFA 70 vs 79 Twinking?

    If there is a difference I have not really seen it for 70 vs 79. It is nice being able to raid and do heroics at 70 with the same community I have pvp’d with. At 79 it seems like you may be a bit limited in terms of content to do if your looking for something outside pvp Have you tried...
  13. Tzartwink

    Confused on state of twinks

    In at least my own experience, staying at 70 has also an unintended perk of meeting people in SW I otherwise would not have. After I explain that my death knight is NOT a level 70 demon hunter with warglaives people like to tell me all there fond memories of vanilla and BC
  14. Tzartwink

    So Damn Hyped

    “Oh sweet I got a new weapon” Miss Miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss...goes afk.....
  15. Tzartwink

    Is there a viable way to make a 60 Twink for the sole intention of boosting 1-60 Dungeons?

    I have not played around with it too much for the classic dungeons atm. Some boss fights are a bit over tuned atm. In fel forged gear, engineering helm and trinkets and enchants some classic dungeon bosses will hit me for nearly 25% of my hp in one hit. I’m waiting for some fixes to come before...
  16. Tzartwink

    Armory list for 60s

    What is the 60 discord and community Info?
  17. Tzartwink

    PvP Power gems: NERFED

    I can confirm resillence works very well in 70 80 and 85 gear. Especially if your in the PvP set socketed in resillence
  18. Tzartwink

    Mid week raid group, casual alliance

    I am gauging interest in forming a very light, casual raid group for mid week fun! With the recent changes, even older content like MC can present a challenge for a small group of 70s. This is not meant to be serious or a way to gear, just a way to break up the week a bit with some content that...
  19. Tzartwink

    70s in BfA

    Come join me when I’m ret in a bg:). I just walk around the battle ground doing whatever I want. I see a nerf coming my way
  20. Tzartwink

    Armory list for 60s Prot paladin Tzartwink