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  1. World Explorer @ 19

    Meh I quite liked the tabard but it is sorta ugly. Better than nothin ><
  2. Crusader?

    I used em on my rogue, duel crusader although now I look at it, firey might have been a better option.
  3. World Explorer @ 19

    I did not use summons, just the motorbike mount on my brothers account, heres the screenie:
  4. World Explorer @ 19

    Uh..I was just asking if anyone else had it. I don't see how it being 'old' is a bad thing. Some people need to kick back.
  5. Most amount of tabards available at 19?

    You missed out Tabard of the Explorer
  6. World Explorer @ 19

    Anyone else going for it/have it? All I need: Silithis Ungoro Tanaris Hopefully be done in a few hours :) EDIT: SUCESS!
  7. 19s World PvP Scenarios

    GREAT IDEA, I LOVE YOU. Alright, so we did this on my realm 'Thunderhorn', (Vindi BG, which has been abandoned since the patch.) It was pretty sucessful, although organization over ventrilo was a key factor in the sucess. We had 5v7 (5 alliance, 7 horde) of course, the horde won but...
  8. Level 1 Guild Name

    Wtf is level 2
  9. Largest Hunter Crit

    These can't be trusted lol, statistics are often glitched.