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  1. Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

    Do yourself a favor and take a philosophy, rhetoric, or logic class. You can't disprove that my name in real life is Jabba Huttington. Go ahead, try to disprove it. You can't. That doesn't mean my name in real life is Jabba Huttington. In the same way, no one can disprove that he's not...
  2. Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

    Did you not understand what I wrote, or do you not understand what burden of proof is? Philosophic burden of proof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Legal burden of proof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

    Care to explain how someone can 'disprove' the identity of another poster? The burden of proof is on him.
  4. Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

    1) I apologize for being wrong on that one, obviously Eurocleave did exist for a few weeks at the end of season three. Seeing as by your own admission there were only two teams in the world that used that composition in season three, it's not a huge mistake on my end. 2) You can't 'invent' a...
  5. Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

    Although you might be Sonydigital (emphasis on the might), if you are, your terminology and facts are a little off. 1) In s3, dreamstate rogue / druid wasn't a big comp. Very few druids were dreamstate compared to most that went almost full restoration. 2) Even though ds/rogue was...
  6. 2100+ MMR team, LF arena player for new season!

    This is different at 70 than at 80, then. In order to receive points based on the team rating, you need to be within 150 points and have 30%+ played on the week (at 80). Otherwise, you will receive points according to your personal rating (unless it is below 1500, in which case you will...
  7. 2100+ MMR team, LF arena player for new season!

    Glance, I'm a multiple rank 1 gladiator (you posted on my other thread). I might be interested (especially if that PvP druid is coming over). Send me a PM to discuss further details.
  8. Divided between four level 70 classes.

    Pretty sure he's not actually trolling.
  9. Divided between four level 70 classes.

    I think I'm going to make my warlock twink on Rivendare. My IRL friend has a 70 priest there that got Brutal Gladiator with me and he never leveled him to 80. :D You guys are welcome to xfer to Rivendare, though. I might actually start a guild there for 70s.
  10. Rogue wep enchants?

    Fiery Blaze Enchantment
  11. How easy is it to downgrade your account?

    Thanks, that helps me alot. I've never attempted it, I was just wondering before I decided to attempt 70 twinking.
  12. Really confused, NEED ANSWERS!

    Come Cataclysm, people will be twinking DKs at 80 tho. :)
  13. What Am I Doing Wrong?

    - Do you have a capped account? If not, you might want to think about downgrading, that way you'll be able to get into "regular" BG queues. - Do you have $$ to xfer? If so, you can probably find a guild for 70s and play arena with a lot of people. I personally am just getting into 70...
  14. Divided between four level 70 classes.

    I dunno if it's possible to get this thread back on-track once Falkor has derailed it. Anyway, do you guys have experience with 70 twinks that I listed? Did one seem to be more overpowered than the others? I'm leaning towards rogue right now.
  15. How easy is it to downgrade your account?

    Already answered this on the other thread, but... The World of Warcraft Armory - Rrhoid @ Auchindoun - Profile The question you asked would be better asked in a Private Message. Think you could answer some of my questions on the thread?
  16. Divided between four level 70 classes.

    What's the point of twinking? :) Well, it's kind of obvious they wouldn't use glaives for mutilate. -.- Yep. The World of Warcraft Armory - Rrhoid @ Auchindoun - Profile The World of Warcraft Armory - Rrhage @ Auchindoun - Profile 60 twink: The World of Warcraft...
  17. Really confused, NEED ANSWERS!

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Rukiableach @ Auchindoun - Profile Au contraire', some very "special" people twink DKs. ...Yeah, I don't see the point.
  18. How easy is it to downgrade your account?

    Thanks for the info -- would you mind going a little more in depth about what you said, what they asked you, etc?
  19. How easy is it to downgrade your account?

    That sounds fantastic. Have you had any accounts downgraded personally? If so, how long did it take to go through the whole process?
  20. Divided between four level 70 classes.

    Hunter Rogue Warlock Warrior I can't decide which one to choose. Warrior -- Two Apollyons would be ridiculous. Rogue -- Legendaries galore, and stealth into one shots would be pretty fun. Hunter -- Legendary bow and probably lots of overpowered goodness inside AV. Warlock...