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  1. How to get 10g by level 10?

    I go to dalaran and glide down or jump and swim/watermount to azuna. That cave near the shipwreck that was part of the imp quest off the coast there has a treasure chest with a grey item worth 10g. The cave is right by the "H" in The ruined sanctum off the east coast...
  2. How to one-shot boses (Vanilla up to WoD)

    I managed to get it on my pally and warrior during the free weekend. I already had multiple accounts with 11 and 20 druids on them, so I multiboxed the dungeon with them to increase odds one of them would get the drops. Did it for the ooze and the totem and got both then traded it to my pally...
  3. Shadowlands Enchanting on a Vet account.

    So I read this as well and thought it was because all of my sl greens and blues were low level. I decided to level SL Leatherworking. crafter gear is Ilvl 99+. Couldn't de them either. It must be tied to our levels. Maybe any levels not allowed to enter SL before the squish aren't able to do it.
  4. Can the 11's Monk get Lingering Drust Essence without the AH?

    My 11 is a vet. I'm not purely f2p, so if you are pure f2p, maybe that's your problem. Lingering Drust Essence is only for Iwen's Enchanting rod, which I don't think we have access to at level 11. No point trying to farm it. The quest for it would be in Drustvar and probably level locked. lvl...
  5. lol chatGPT is wild

    Should start mid video where he starts talking about chatGPT It already wants to end humanity :p Hopefully it's just making up a story and not actually thinking this for itself. All the trolls that have had access to it have already caused it to break like Microsoft's last bot. Seems like it...
  6. Blurry name, can someone help?

    Does it happen every time you log in or just sometimes? The resolution scaling is off. Really wish they'd allow us to go back to proper full screen. This maximized window always gives me glitches like this and lower frame rate. I find clicking the square icon next to the x on the wow...
  7. Need help gearing Mistweaver Monk

    I think a balance of mastery verse crit/haste secondaries is nice, probably prioritizing in that order. You don't really need haste too much because everything is instant when channeling. haste would increase your hot ticks so you could squeeze out all of the healing from your hots. Mastery adds...
  8. Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    I just find it crazy that someone managed to stumble across something like this. Still trying to imagine how that actually played out.
  9. Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    Tin foil hat time... What if one of the devs is a twink and he made this bug and leaked it to our community on purpose!
  10. My personal take on the presence of reputation gear in the bracket

    It's technically against the rules. If you read the transfer rules they said you're not allowed to do that. But for whatever reason they still let the transfers go through.So like it's been said before, proceed at your own risk. I managed to transfer four. But that was a few months ago. But...
  11. Activision Blizzard vs State of California Lawsuit

    discussion about this here:
  12. Thoughts on mistweaver?

    I just tried that pvp talent with wm on and it doesn't seem to increase the healing of my expel harm. Can't talk about the dispel yet, but my expel harm normal heals for 283 and with that talent it healed for the same. If it has to work with the passive we get later, which I assume it does, then...
  13. Ahune

    They show extreme intelligence, even problem-solving intelligence...
  14. HOA essence bug

    Was having trouble infusing new essences into my heart of azeroth. Was going crazy trying to get it to work. But after some discussions on discord and finally bumping into some others having the same problem in-game, I was pointed to some more info. If you're having trouble infusing new essences...
  15. a few questions

    I believe you can get weapons from the warfront cache from the weekly quest. Heroic warfront gives me 120 lvl gear I think. Maybe it scales with my ilvl. Aside from that, I think ilvl 100 shadowlands boes from ah will have to hold you over until you get in a raid or get lucky with a warfront cache.
  16. Weapon switch macro to abuse enchants?

    Id say even swapping for crusader is rough. I made some swap macros for my warrior to try to stack crusader procs. Set up some big weak auras to track each proc separately. On a target dummy, it works great. I can have one 2h out, get crusader to proc, then swap in another 2h for the second...
  17. Good PvP/UI Addons?
  18. +7 relics for artifact weapons

    Use scroll of unlocking with your 24-25. I think the chest level is based on the level of the character unlocking it.
  19. Stuck in Orgrimmar "To Jade Forest quest phasing zone", Grommash Hold is closed

    You're phased. Probably due to also being on the legion quest to see zuljin die. If memory serves me You have to go to the dock outside orgrimmar, in the north east durotar area and finish the quest. Something to that effect. Or maybe drop the quest or change chromie time. Or If you're on an...
  20. 20s Guide Index and FAQ - Read Before Posting New Threads

    I found these useful: