Search results

  1. Lozok

    ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    I'm sorry to have offended you by passing the spotlight for a brief moment to my good friend yon, who is indeed just a guy with money. Then again I don't see the the honor in having farmed it in TBC or early WotLK, or whenever naxx was re-introduced. The guy has scout title and his main was...
  2. Lozok

    ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    Yöndruidi @ Stormreaver - Community - World of Warcraft
  3. Lozok

    Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU

    1½ month mark since I ressurected our old recruitment thread and while our video is getting some nice views we've only had 2 people join from other servers, one of which from the US. I know there's a decent amount of Horde twinks out there but they are scattered, and while our recruitment is...
  4. Lozok

    Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU

    Hello everyone, just bumping to say that we have a friend from the US realms who would want to RaF with someone here on EU! Message me for details! Edit: Problem has been solved :)
  5. Lozok

    Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU

    And we are now recruiting again after a long break! ^^ Bump!
  6. Lozok

    Canceled Account, Not Enough Players In This Bracket

    There was never a bug. To few hordes queueing that's all.
  7. Lozok

    LF 60 Guild Horde EU

    Hi mate. Recently posted my thread you should check it out. (Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU)
  8. Lozok

    Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU

    Reserved for future needs.. // I have removed old and inaccurate descriptions of guild recruitment to make the thread look fresher :)
  9. Lozok

    Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU

    Hello all Pre-TBC-enthusiasts, I am Guild Master Lozok. Welcome to <Back to the Sixties>'s second upraising...