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  1. Chewgrizzly

    Upcoming Level 70 Twink 3v3 Tournament

    Really disagree with not being able to stack hybrids, Really makes the tournament boring and limits the comps you can play. Was wanting to play in this tournament as Owlplay. Probably one of the reasons hardly anyone is signing up for it.
  2. Chewgrizzly

    What's the highest crit you've dealt or received at Level 70 with Shield Slam?

    Had a warrior in 2's crit me for 10k then tazik me instantly and 2 shot me, Prot Pallies and Prot Warriors make this bracket nearly unbearable to play. A 2200 Prot/Spriest/Holy in 3's a couple days ago, Prot bursted through my shield then through my entire HP in about 3 seconds, outplayed...
  3. Chewgrizzly

    RBGs at 70

    Why must you be EU ahhh, I would love to run some.
  4. Chewgrizzly

    Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    All of this is exactly what i've been doing and i have had the same problems persisting
  5. Chewgrizzly

    Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    Would you mind to explain how you did it?
  6. Chewgrizzly

    Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    Mind enlightening me on what may be going wrong then? If you can refer to my previous post. Would be much appreciated if you could add my battletag or something if you don't mind explaining it a little further, I've been trying this for awhile and having no luck. Mercydrive#1695
  7. Chewgrizzly

    Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    Yeah i hope this wasn't patched, Hope somebody gives us an answer on this
  8. Chewgrizzly

    Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    I just recently tried doing this glitch and was experiencing a few things. I either get the "This item is not a valid target" Or i do it too late and i have a soulbound item that i cant use. And when i get the timing perfect it disconnects me and the guy im doing it for from the game. Are...
  9. Chewgrizzly

    Too Loose is recruiting!

    Would be interested in coordinating/joining you all in some coordinated rateds and things. Have an hpal friend that would come along also. battletag is Mercydrive#1695