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  1. How are queue times for Bgs these days?

  2. How are queue times for Bgs these days?

  3. 60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

    My current work in progress- Shockwavex @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. 70s Achievement list

    you are so cool. have my babies.
  5. Will 74s rule in MoP?

    23 spell pen gems are available to 70's at the moment, and with the crazy stacking of stats at 70 I don't think it would be too difficult for a dps to get high pvp power while maintaining good SP / AP. but yes as you said, it looks like any healer stacking pure resi will be almost godmode come...
  6. VIDEO: Dèrkz 70 Fire mage PoV

    dat 5's W/L
  7. Best Rogue EU?

    good old khar <3 was pleased to see Azó in a few BGs recently :D
  8. Will 74s rule in MoP?

    thought so, it seemed the most logical way of doing it. so this means we have access to 25 spell pen and 10 int + 13 spell pen gems. means that anyone not using intellect already will have to gem pure spell pen gems. should be interesting to see how far a melee will need to stack it to be viable.
  9. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    good job on the HK farming, looks like its going well ^____^ slacking on druid as i will be at around 375-400k in MOP so it seems like overkill atm xD
  10. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Doesn't he swap factions quite frequently?
  11. Will 74s rule in MoP?

    I think we will need to see how well pvp power scales, and how easy it is to stack it at 70. I'm guessing they are just swapping spell pen for pvp power, so gems etc will already be available to us.
  12. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Unless I've been getting very lucky every day it would seem the faction balance is much better than it was last time I played 70 bracket =) Lets hope the bracket survives MOP ^____^