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  1. Poll: Favorite Dessert/Treat

  2. Crime, Punishment, & Laws

    how would you feel if the government went around telling people in your family that they couldnt ever reproduce? what youre suggesting is basically in line with john holdren's plan to sterilize people through the water supply
  3. I've now joined the ranks of BoA farming 80s in NF

    As a tank dk you dont really need dual specs. You should go blood for tanking, which can double as a decent enough dps spec. You shouldnt really have a problem killing things. fastest way to get badges is through OS10/25 pugs and daily heroics. if you get the satchel from OS youll have 9...
  4. Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide

    arp percentages arent additive like that. i dont know how to calculate it though, and blizzard has only released their way of calculating it for players lvl 60+. someone would have to get the gear and run #s against players of different armor lvls to figure it out iirc though, mace spec/grim...
  5. 3.3 Emblem Fail:

    season 8 gear will be ilvl 270. welfare t9 is ilvl 232, with badges 245. thats not good enough to make me worry about set bonuses
  6. Why Premades are better without Screenshots

    a real troll never admits hes trolling you fail
  7. Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide

    if you want to pick up taste for blood you should just go with a full out bleed spec
  8. Why Premades are better without Screenshots

    telling on people is srs bsns, dont diss
  9. Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide it relies more on direct damage instead of bleeds, so you need a bit more crit for it than you would a bleed spec. think i had 27% or something in battle edit: link wasnt showing up so delete the space in the url
  10. Why Premades are better without Screenshots

    people are way too worried about their egos on a video game and cant handle people knowing that they lost a wsg game in a twink bracket
  11. Crime, Punishment, & Laws

    or they at least have a chance to miraculously turn their life around and feel sorry for what they did
  12. Controversial: Religion

    i think you missed the point here i dont want to pay taxes for a public school where kids will be taught a religion that not everyone believes in. whether i have a say in what kids can be taught has nothing to do with this. the thread itself is about whether certain things should be taught...
  13. Controversial: Religion

    no im not going to pay for my kid to have things i dont agree with shoved down his/her throat, and i sure as hell dont want my religion being shoved down other people's throats. a big part of why people resent religious people is the door to door 8 am in the morning well dressed...
  14. Crime, Punishment, & Laws

    so where do you draw the line as to how much money we should be spending on people who commit murder?
  15. Crime, Punishment, & Laws

    msgtooshortlol edit: and before you ask, no im not a hippie who goes around picketing with peace signs. i think if someone commits a crime they should be treated in a way that will make them never want to do it again (or able to do it again, depending on the degree). i just have a problem...
  16. Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide

    avoidance isnt as much of a problem for 39 warriors as their lack of crit gear, so go with berserkers
  17. BiS Hunter Weapon, help.

    hand cannon is the best ranged weapon unless you need the hit from bone bow or youre troll since youre draenei you can be hit capped with comfortable leather hat + bone bow + basilisk pants, which lets you get boars speed
  18. Why Premades are better without Screenshots

    ^ if you have a problem with trolls on the wow forums, dont visit the wow forums maybe? the people complaining about screenshots are too worried about how they're viewed by people they dont like.
  19. Do you have a level 80?

    i have an 80 warrior, hunter, dk and shaman played hunter as my main since season 2, and i decided to change it up and start playing warrior as my main about a week ago
  20. 80 pve hunter

    hunters dps by priority now, not rotation if you dont have best in slot gear, surv is probably better for you. surv priority is kill shot > explosive shot > aimed shot > serpent sting > steady shot. whether you place serpent sting 1st or 2nd last doesnt make much of a difference on...